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Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net


Unlike WinForms, ASP.Net does not support a DesignMode property on the Page class, so there's no built in way to detect this. For building custom ASP.Net Server controls (not UserControls) this is crucial since ASP.Net actually renders control in the designer by calling the Render method.

The quick way to do this is:

if (HttpContext.Current == null)
   // You're in design mode

After some more playing around I also found that you can do this via the Site interface of the control as well:

if (this.Site.DesignMode)
   // You're in design mode

Unfortunately that doesn't work at runtime because this.Site doesn't exist. You can check for this.Site == null to detect runtime I suppose, but I suspect checking the current context is the most reliable. You can also do something like this to declare it:

bool DesignMode = (HttpContext.Current == null);

This doesn't work with Site because Site doesn't exist at construction. So HttpContext.Current is the better choice. If I need to check design mode I tend to add a private property to the control and just use the above as an assignment.

BTW, it's good to know that if you build Web Controls that they render on in the designer. If you have in the Render method that causes the control to fire and that control uses information about the current request it will fail which in turn causes the control to display as an error. That doesn't mean your control won't run, it just means there's an error that's happening at design time...

If you know your control doesn't render at Design time because it need Http Request information you can just immediately return.

To avoid the error you can force the control to immediately return from Render:

protected override Render(HtmlTextWriter)
  if (this.DesignMode)

   ...go on with processing

This results in the control not rendering anything and the designer displaying a simple text string that shows the control's name. As an alternate you can render some sort of static HTML placeholder.

This is what I actually ended up doing for the Tab Control I was working on because I've been having a hell of a time trying to set up a collection and have it filled at design time. The problem is that the form renders fine - but without any tabs because the collection is empty. So the first approach I had was simply to generate a simple two cell HTML table that looked like the tabs and uses some of the parameters (the Css class and sizing) so as you change properties these actually reflect in the designer.

However, in the end it turned out easier to just temporarily add a few tabs for the Render method and then delete them again at the end.

protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
   if (this.DesignMode)
      // *** Add a couple of tabs just for show
      this.AddTab("Tab 1","","Tab1");
      this.AddTab("Tab 2","","Tab2");
      this.SelectedTab = "Tab2";

   // *** Render the actual control

   // *** Dump the output into the ASP out stream
   base.Render (writer);

   if (this.DesignMode)
      // *** Clear the tab pages we added they're


If I get designer support for the TabPage collection hooked I can drop out that Designmode code, but until then I at least now have a visual representation at design time...


The Voices of Reason


Mathew Nolton
January 14, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Good info. I ran into this issue with an asmx file. We are securing our webservices forcing all calls to use Soap by checking HttpSoapContext during construction in our base class. In design mode, this.Site is null so DesignMode returned a false. I was looking into checking something else like you figured out when i ran into your blog. You saved me from doing the research myself.

-Mathew Nolton

Kevin Pirkl
January 19, 2004

# Close to home regarding design time rendering and ASP.Net

For a VS.Net Web Application there is not a design time equivalent for Server.MapPath. I rolled out a ASP.Net DesignTime Helper Class that plugs the EnvDTE to get the projects physical path. Here is a link http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=1960&lngWId=10

Rick Strahl
January 19, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Kevin, good idea, but I *think* there's a serious problem - this will require that VS.Net design time (EnvDte) exists on the server you install because it's linked in and will require runtime activation through the compiler (method by method compile) even if that code is never physically called.

Kevin Pirkl
January 21, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Cool new about that.. The Managed wrapper (EnvDTE) ships with the 1.0, 1.1 Framework. There is some problmes with the Side by Side versioning though with can be solved through late binding. I would change my code like to to support both environments.

GetMSDEVFromGIT("!VisualStudio.DTE.7", System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString());

if (_oDTE != null)
//return _oDTE.ActiveDocument.Path;
object oDocument = _oDTE.GetType().InvokeMember("ActiveDocument", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, _oDTE, new object[] {} );

return (string)oDocument.GetType().InvokeMember("Path", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, oDocument, new object[] {});

Anyway I glad to see that your blogging, and damn sorry that I didn't get a chance to bring a six pack of Hood River Full Sail with me when I was visiting the Islands. Perhaps my next visit.

Rick Strahl
January 21, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

I'll be back in Hood River this summer. We should hook up and catch up...

Kevin Pirkl
January 21, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Aw darn... Looks like I'm wrong. I had a friend check a pristine install of of a machine with only the .Net framework 1.0, 1.1 and the file wasn't there. I found a post on Shawn A. Van Ness's weblog that made me think that it was part of the base framework install. Anyway you could always mark the DLL reference to copy local = true and deploy it but whoops looks like I'll be buying you a beer. :) Cheers.

Rick Strahl's WebLog
March 07, 2004

# Adventures in Debugging an ASP.Net Control at design time

Today I had a hell of a time trying to debug a problem with an ASP.Net server control. The Control was working just fine at runtime, but I noticed that in the VS.Net designer it always showed as an error button (red text name of the control rather than the rendered control). In fact, it was a specific interface I was creating and implementing on a set of controls and all controls with this interface were failing in the designer.

April 04, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Just a note to say in a custom control, you'd do :

if ( this.Context == null )
// Do stuff

if your control can't render certain things at design time, this is handy - thanks for the info Rick.

Phil Dobson
July 01, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

I needed to detect design mode in a component descended from System.ComponentModel.Component (in Delphi 8) and found I had to use the term not Assigned(System.Web.HttpContext.Current); to determine Design mode. None of the examples above worked.

Ian Moores
August 02, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Just an addtion to anyone who found this blog but was looking for WinForms DesignMode issue. It is worth noting that when you have a UserControl that inherits from another userControl the DesignMode does not evaluate to true, apparently this is by design and not a bug (not sure about that one myself) so a work around is to put this in your base form:
public new bool DesignMode
return (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName == "devenv");

and bob's your father's brother, it works!



October 18, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Thanks, it took me about 4 hours to figure out Site.DesignMode wasn't working.
I got my control working within 5 minutes after reading your info.

John Holliday
November 04, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

This will not work on remote machines where you don't have permission to accesss process information.

Mahmood Salamah
December 25, 2004

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Just wanted to say thank you ...

February 01, 2005

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Do you know how to expose user control properties so they will show up in the properties window in de page designer?

Zion Bokobza
May 20, 2005

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Thank you!!

June 27, 2005

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Thanks! You saved my time.

July 28, 2005

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Its a Valuable information .

Thanks a lot Rick

November 10, 2005

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

You can of course create a Designer and
override GetDesignTimeHtml

class MyDesigner : ControlDesigner

public override String GetDesignTimeHtml()
return "<b>YO</b>";


probably the best way to do it

March 28, 2006

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Good tips.
Other sugestion is override the event Onload. This event occurs only in RuntTime.
It´s possible include a flag in the WebCustomControl class to control if this event was executed.
This flag can be tested in the Render event.
Of course! This is not so elegant like your article.

June 09, 2006

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

I use both httpcontext and Site as folows:

if ((this.Context==null) || ((base.Site != null) && base.Site.DesignMode))

June 14, 2006

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net


Sameers (theAngrycodeR)
June 16, 2006

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Great idea, but is there any way to detect in running code (like exe or DLL hosted by other application) if we are debugging that or it is running in the client machine (not being debugged on development machine?) I think detecting if the exe was created under released or debugged mode could solve this problem. Any idea?

July 06, 2006

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Detecting .NET Design Mode and how to get physical path to your project folder:

ASP.NET Forums
July 06, 2007

# C# Design Models? Which one to use? - ASP.NET Forums

April 11, 2008

# re: Detecting Designmode in ASP.Net

Another way to get the projects physical path in a asp.net component
IWebApplication webApplication =
string projectPath = webApplication.RootProjectItem.PhysicalPath;

Hope helping you.

Weight loss
May 28, 2008

# Weight loss

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West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2025