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CodeRush on Vista

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I’ve been working on a sizable ASP.NET project and the Visual Studio .NET native Refactoring inside of this project is driving me crazy with its slow as molasses performance. So much so that I’ve pretty much dismissed using it until a change is truly project wide. For little changes like renaming or even extracting methods I sit and wait for 20-30 seconds just for VS to come back. And this is even for local renames, which is crazy for VS to go out and scan the whole project.


Since I’ve been on Vista I hadn’t reinstalled CodeRush and Refactor! both of which I like loads, but have been living without for a while, not wanting to tempt fate on Vista <g>. A couple of days ago I decided I have to reinstall the tools, especially for Refactor! but found out that the latest versions don’t install correctly on Vista.


A couple of posts on the CodeRush Forum later I got an answer from Matt Peters who was kind enough to point me in the right direction (I’m sure somebody from the CodeRush team probably had answered a long time ago but I didn’t see any entries in the reader).


Anyway, I thought I’d repost the steps here in case you’re in the same boat( Note: DevExpress is working on getting the install to work on Vista, so this may get fixed real soon. I’m running 2.01 of both CR and RF).


Step 1:

Install both tools and first check whether they’re working. On Vista they probably won’t with or without UAC enabled. I run with User Account Protection off but the install still didn’t work. If it doesn’t shut down VS.


Step 2:

Add the CodeRush Plugins folder to VS: Tools | Options | Environment | Add-inMacros Security

Add the Plugins folder from here:

c:\program files\ developer express inc\dxcore for visual studio .net\2.0\bin\plugins

Step 3:

Move the .addin file to the User addins folder.

From: c:\Application Data\Microsoft\MSEnvShared\Addins

To:  Documents\Visual Studio 2005\addins


Restart and things should start working now.


Interestingly both tools installed fine without any adjustments for VS 2003.


I suspect the problem is that VS doesn’t have the appropriate rights to write files out in some folder on Vista that’s causing this damn mess. I’ve noticed that a few programs that write files out to temp folders or into the document folder seem to have problems. Most notable is WinZip which fails to open files directly unless you copy them to disk first. Probably fixable with an explicit download path, but…


Apparently this is a greater problem for add-ins in general according to some Microsoft folks. Yuk. You figure somebody would have thought of that beforehand! After all, all of this is built BY DEVELOPERS for crying out loud. <s>


Hope this helps somebody out. Knowing customer service at DevExpress, those guys are probably on it and have this fixed shortly…


The Voices of Reason


E.R. Gilmore
July 10, 2006

# re: CodeRush on Vista

Mark Miller of DevExpress had a great presentation at the SoCal Code Camp in San Diego on The Science of Great UI. If you go to socalcodecamp.com you can download a PDF of that session.

Christopher Bennage
July 10, 2006

# re: CodeRush on Vista

This may be a bit off topic, but I had much improved performance with the native refactoring tools after converting to a Web Application project. Of course, after ReSharper finally became available for VS 2005 I stopped using the native stuff anyway.

Rick Strahl
July 10, 2006

# re: CodeRush on Vista

Yes part of the performance problem comes with stock projects because ASP.NET is very thourough and searches through the ASPX files as well as the project source.

It just really sucks that VS isn't smart enough to figure out scope of refactoring. Anytime a local is refactored it still goes through the whole project scan it seems. I use VS for project wide replace, which Refactor! doesn't do directly (it only does a safe rename), but 90% of the refactoring I do is done inside of a single class which Refactor! handles much nicer. I suspect ReSharpers probably doing something similar.

July 10, 2006

# re: CodeRush on Vista


Have you seen this post from ScottGu?

Optimizing C# Refactoring Performance with Web Projects in VS 2005


Rick Strahl
July 11, 2006

# re: CodeRush on Vista

Thanks Rainer,

Yes, I did that some time ago, but I haven't on this installation. It really bites that this option is more easily accessible because it's certainly useful to have this feature enabled in some situations when you know you need to update.

Incidentally this fixes the damn issue of where the editor simply ASP.NET designer doesn't want to change the name of a control except in Html view.

Mark Miller
July 20, 2006

# re: CodeRush on Vista

Hey Rick,

The next release (2.0.4) fixes the Vista install issue. I expect it to be out tomorrow (21 July 2006) or Monday (24 July 2006).

Also, this release will have beta support for cross file rename that you can enable in the Refactoring | Rename options page. We call it beta because the cross file undo for the rename doesn't happen in a single step (that will be fixed in the next update). But for moving forward, it works well.

Steven R.
August 13, 2006

# re: CodeRush on Vista

Great investigative work, fixed all my problems. I have become handycap without refactor and can not live with out it.


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