I’ve updated my Data Driven Localization Resource Provider for ASP.NET and uploaded a new version of the code and sample project:
The resource provider is covered in this article:
that provides an overview of what’s involved in the creation of this custom resource provider and editor that uses a database to hold localized resources. You can find a demo of the provider in action and live editor here (with English and German resources):
There’s been a lot of feedback from many folks and many small suggestions have been integrated in this update.
This sample provides an ASP.NET ResourceProvider as well as a full .NET ResoureManager (optionally as a second full ResourceProvider implementation) that uses a database for resource storage. There are a host of tools that allow for creation of resources from scratch or by importing resources from Resx files and then editing those resources interactively in a rich resource editing form where resources can be added, edited ,deleted and translated easily. Optionally resources can also be saved back to Resx and changes be displayed in real time either with data based or ResX resources.
Other features include a control that can be dropped onto any form that allows making all Localizable elements on a form jump links to bring up the context sensitive resource for editing and a new JavaScript Resource handler to server side resources as JavaScript a client side resource object (more on that in my next post) and creating strongly typed global resources that don’t rely on a separate ResourceManager (which is highly wasteful). There’s also been a bit of work on the Administration form’s UI easier to use and more responsive and with even fewer postbacks (there weren’t many to start with). The UI has also been updated to my jQuery based client library and it’s considerably smaller than the previous version because of it.
Anyway, if you’ve used the previous version you’ll want to check out these updates as they provide many small enhancements. If you haven’t and you’re doing localization with ASP.NET you might check it out to see if your localization tasks can’t be a little easier.
FWIW, I’ve also started the process of consolidating all of my article samples, utilities and tools into a single set of libraries that are integrated into a single package. A number of folks have complained – rightfully so – that some of my samples don’t work well together because they reuse the same components in the same namespaces resulting in name conflicts. I use all of these components all the time, but I’ve been using a consolidated base and I’m now making that whole base package available.
I’ve thrown my entire toolkit that I use in most applications together and made it available as the West Wind Web Toolkit with live access via source repository. The library includes the Westwind.Globalization stuff as well as the samples along with all the support libraries and full code. It also includes the update to the jQuery Controls and what was the West Wind Ajax Toolkit as well as the Web Forms two-way DataBinder and many other popular components.
The library is all there, but the sample site and docs are still under construction. If you want you can also download the globalization project and samples from the Toolkit site or the repository which will be updated frequently along with the site.
West Wind Web Toolkit for ASP.NET Site
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