Step 5 - Drilling down into the customer list

Now that we know how to display a basic list, let's jazz it up a little bit by adding links to the company so we can drill down into the data and display the customer detail.

Change the CustomerList SQL to:

SELECT HREF([ShowCustomer.wp?id=] + id,company) as Company, ;
       FirstName + LastName as Customer_Name, ;
       ShortDate(Entered,1) as Entered ;
   FROM Customers ;
   WHERE UPPER(Company) = UPPER(lcCompany) ;
   ORDER BY Company ;
   INTO CURSOR TQuery      

Here's what the list looks like now:

This also makes the list look a little nicer by displaying less information, cleaning up the labels and more importantly adding hyperlinks for each of the customer entries.


You can control the headers of the grid via the field names generated in the query. I combined the LastName and FirstName fields with an expression that concatenates both and then creates a Customer_Name field. The renderer automatically replaces the _ with a space.

The hyperlink for drilling into the data by going to another page is generates as a string using the HREF() helper function which takes a URL and a caption as input and generates URL. The URL generated is something like:


which points to another page. If you click on noe of the links now you'll find that the request fails:

This makes perfect sense: We haven't created a ShowCustomer method yet. Let's create it.

Showing the Customer entry

A new Web Connection request means a new method in the WebProcess class. The ShowCustomer() method looks like this:

FUNCTION ShowCustomer()
LOCAL lcId,lcHtml

lcId = Request.Params("id")

SELECT * FROM Customers ;
   WHERE id = lcId ;

IF _Tally < 1
   *** Create an error page
   this.ErrorMsg("Invalid Customer Id",;
   "The customer couldn't be retrieved. Make sure the URL is correct " + ;
   "and points at a valid customer>Please return to the <a href='Customerlist.wp'>customer list</a>...")

*** Helper to generate templated HTML Header
Response.Write(this.PageHeaderTemplate("Customer List"))

<a href="customerlist.wp" 
   class="btn btn-success btn-sm pull-right" 
   style="margin-top: 20px;">
	<i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i> Customer List

   <i class='fa fa-user'></i> <<Company>>

<hr />

*** Render the Record into a table
lcHtml = HtmlRecord("TQuery")



The output from this display using HtmlRecord() looks like this:

This output is very basic and pretty rough as it just uses the field names for labels. But HtmlRecord() gives you a quick and dirty way to display data from a single cursor record or object. It's a great object to use as a place holder for data that will later be added.

HtmlRecord Formatting

The HtmlRecord() function, like HtmlDataGrid() can take a configuration object that lets you specify exactly how data is displayed. This takes a little more code, but gives you more control.

You create an HtmlRecordConfig object object and then attach individual HtmlRecordColumn objects to specify how each column is rendered.

loConfig = CREATEOBJECT("HtmlRecordConfig")
loConfig.Width = "700px"

*loConfig.HeaderCssClass = "col-sm-3 my-record-header"
*loConfig.ItemCssClass = "col-sm-7"

*** Create columns manually for each field
loCol = CREATEOBJECT("HtmlRecordColumn","Company")

loCol = CREATEOBJECT("HtmlRecordColumn","FirstName + ' ' + LastName","Name")

loCol = CREATEOBJECT("HtmlRecordColumn","Address")

loCol = CREATEOBJECT("HtmlRecordColumn","Email")

loCol = CREATEOBJECT("HtmlRecordColumn","BillRate","Bill Rate")
loCol.Format = "$$,$$$.99"
loCol.FieldType = "N"

loCol = CREATEOBJECT("HtmlRecordColumn",[ShortDate(Entered,2)],"Entered")
loCol.FieldType = "C"

lcHtml = HtmlRecord("TQuery",loConfig)

This results in a much cleaner and more optimized view of the same data:

Much cleaner, eh? Using explicit fields and formatting can net you something that might just be usable as is for quick data display.

Note this display is not actually using an HTML table, but rather using a responsive layout that stacks in smaller screen dimensions so it works on mobile devices.

A small width view looks like this:

Step 6 - Scripts and Templates and Setting up an HTML Editor

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