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Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet


As a publisher of a Help Creation tool called Html Help Help Builder, I’ve seen a lot of problems with help files that won't properly display actual topic content and displays an error message for topics instead. Here’s the scenario: You go ahead and happily build your fancy, schmanzy Help File for your application and deploy it to your customer. Or alternately you've created a help file and you let your customers download them off the Internet directly or in a zip file.

The customer downloads the file, opens the zip file and copies the help file contained in the zip file to disk. She then opens the help file and finds the following unfortunate result:

The help file comes up with all topics in the tree on the left, but a Navigation to the WebPage was cancelled or Operation Aborted error in the Help Viewer's content window whenever you try to open a topic. The CHM file obviously opened since the topic list is there, but the Help Viewer refuses to display the content. Looks like a broken help file, right? But it's not - it's merely a Windows security 'feature' that tries to be overly helpful in protecting you.

The reason this happens is because files downloaded off the Internet - including ZIP files and CHM files contained in those zip files - are marked as as coming from the Internet and so can potentially be malicious, so do not get browsing rights on the local machine – they can’t access local Web content, which is exactly what help topics are. If you look at the URL of a help topic you see something like this:


which points at a special Microsoft Url Moniker that in turn points the CHM file and a relative path within that HTML help file. Try pasting a URL like this into Internet Explorer and you'll see the help topic pop up in your browser (along with a warning most likely). Although the URL looks weird this still equates to a call to the local computer zone, the same as if you had navigated to a local file in IE which by default is not allowed.

Unfortunately, unlike Internet Explorer where you have the option of clicking a security toolbar, the CHM viewer simply refuses to load the page and you get an error page as shown above.

How to Fix This - Unblock the Help File

There's a workaround that lets you explicitly 'unblock' a CHM help file. To do this:

  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Find your CHM file
  • Right click and select Properties
  • Click the Unblock button on the General tab

Here's what the dialog looks like:


Clicking the Unblock button basically, tells Windows that you approve this Help File and allows topics to be viewed.

You can also use a Powershell command to do this (on Windows 10):

PS> unblock-file -Path '.\westwindwebtoolkit.chm'

Is Unblocking Safe?

Is unblocking insecure? Not unless you're running a really old Version of Windows (XP pre-SP1). In recent versions of Windows Internet Explorer pops up various security dialogs or fires script errors when potentially malicious operations are accessed (like loading Active Controls), so it's relatively safe to run local content in the CHM viewer. Since most help files don't contain script or only load script that runs pure JavaScript access web resources this works fine without issues.

How to avoid this Problem

As an application developer there's a simple solution around this problem: Always install your Help Files with an Installer. The above security warning pop up because Windows can't validate the source of the CHM file. However, if the help file is installed as part of an installation the installation and all files associated with that installation including the help file are trusted. A fully installed Help File of an application works just fine because it is trusted by Windows.


It's annoying as all hell that this sort of obtrusive marking is necessary, but it's admittedly a necessary evil because of Microsoft's use of the insecure Internet Explorer engine that drives the CHM Html Engine's topic viewer. Because help files are viewing local content and script is allowed to execute in CHM files there's potential for malicious code hiding in CHM files and the above precautions are supposed to avoid any issues.

The Voices of Reason


Darren Stokes
December 28, 2008

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Also, make sure the file is not read-only before you hit the unblock button. I had this problem several months ago and I would hit the unblock button and press ok and the file was still blocked. I eventually noticed the file was read-only. After clearing the read-only flag and pressing apply, the unblock worked.

andrew websdale
January 03, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

I've had this happen to me occasionally - thanks for clearing it up.

January 04, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

I've had this many times on network drives.
I navigate to a server/share where a piece of software is installed (as administrator) and attempt to open the help file. I see what you describe above. The software has been installed from disk and not downloaded from the Internet.
I usually copy the file to my desktop in order to be able to read it!

Richard Deeming
January 05, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

This is particularly painful if you download a zip file containing dozens of files, and extract it without unblocking it, as every file will then need to be unblocked individually. I got so fed up with it that I wrote a utility to recursively unblock all files in a particular folder.

Daniel Fernandes
January 17, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Can't wait for the world to get rid of CHM, there hasn't been any major changes there since Windows 95.
PDFs do provide TOC so it should be good enough, not sure XPS does that but if it doesn't it better do it ASAP!

Rick Strahl
January 17, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

@Daniel - CHM is not a bad format - it's HTML which is a good thing because you have a lot of different editing options, it's easy to build decent tooling for it and you can auto-reuse the CHM content on the Web. The format is not a problem - it's Microsoft's unwillingness to update or fix it for the last 10 years.

As you can tell this is one topic that REALLY pisses me off and shows another area where a total lack of competition or incentive leaves Microsoft just not giving a shit.

January 30, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

best fix i've come across. Thanks so much.

January 31, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks for reminding me about the DUH! solution [unblock]!!

February 17, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

I don't have a Security option. At the bottom of the General tab is Attributes and is the last thing on that window. Is there another way to unblock it?

February 22, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Well, it is indeed a security feature and Microsoft gives a solution in
This definitely unblocks the content of the chm file.
I had to use the complete riddle:

Remember that the UrlAllowList can be your external usb drive or your networkshare, so you should adjust the line to your need.

February 22, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

\\\\ should be \\
and \\ should be \
in the UrlAllowList line....

February 23, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Microsoft in its infinite wisedom does not allow help files (.CHM) that reside on a server share to be displayed. The user will be able to see the TOC (Table of Contents) but does not allow the actual content to be displayed. The help file can be displayed will all content if the help file is on the local machine that is useing the application. Here is a quick work-around that will enable the users to see the complete help file regardless.

Place the following code in each form's on_open event, preferrably before doing anything else on the On_open event.

The CHM file has to be located in the same directory as the database that is to use it as a help file.

<code lang="vb">

Dim CurDir As Variant
Dim HELPFILE As String

HELPFILE = "Database-auto-backup.chm" 'change the name here to reflect your CHM file name.

CurDir = Left(CurrentDb.Name, Len(CurrentDb.Name) - Len(Dir(CurrentDb.Name))) 'Current directory where db resides

HELPFILELOC = CurDir & HELPFILE 'complete file path to the CHM file
HELPFILEDEST = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\" & HELPFILE 'completed destination for the chm file on the users desktop

If FileExists(HELPFILEDEST) Then 'check to see if the user already has the proper help file
Me.HELPFILE = HELPFILEDEST 'set the help file location for the form just to be sure.
Call CopyFile(HELPFILELOC, HELPFILEDEST, False) 'the help file did not exist, so copy from DB folder to the current users desktop
Me.HELPFILE = HELPFILEDEST 'then set the help file location within the form
End If

</End Code>

March 03, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks for the info. I wish I would have found this before I did a write up on it on my blog. Here's a link, hope it helps.


March 13, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks a bunch for this post!
I deleted so many "chm" files because of this problem.

March 26, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

There is another potential problem with CHM files - if they contain the # character they may not display their content. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319247 for details. I wrote a short post about it - linked with name, above.

March 29, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet


Just wanted to say that I've been searching the net for a solution on how to view chm-files from a network share on my Vista-system. None of the registry editing i found worked for me and I don't want to copy them to my local drive. If you have the same problem as me there is one simple solution: use a different chm-viewer. I'm using xchm (http://xchm.sourceforge.net/) and it is working perfect.

Luis Armas
April 02, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks Rick,

The trick, of use the option right click, properties and unlock, it did resolve my problem.

Nick Spiers
April 29, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks Rick, I've ran into this problem before and just googled what I was opening the CHM for in the first place. I finally decided to look for a fix and found this, and it worked.

vipin sharma
August 01, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks a lot for this post.....
it helped me a lot

Linda W.
August 03, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

This comment page demonstrates poor web-page design. You can't get back to the page you were on by typing in an address -- you have to enter one address, then press a button, and you get different web-page displayed, but that has the same web page address as the previous one. That's the problem.

It breaks the web paradigm of being able to re-reach the same page you were at previously if you get interrupted on a page. By default, Ajax sites will do the same, but well designed ones won't. Well designed Ajax (and 1-addr->multipage webpages), keep track of user state in persistent cookies on the user's website. You leave -- when you re-enter, you get taken back to the page you left off from (or, often, interactively, Forward and Backward in your browser work correctly).

I've tried to type this note 3 times. Each time I needed to scroll up to look at the picture(s) in the article to make sure I had the correct wording from the pictures. I scrolled up using the scroll bar. When I scrolled back down, I'd forget to reclick in the input box (as I'd not (in my mind) ever clicked out of it, forgetfully/intuitively, breaking 'focus' within the content container as being separate from the scroll bar -- a design issue one could go into on the side, but not really pertinent to problem here). I'd start to type and not see anything, and think that maybe it was typing in information into the text box that wasn't shown (as it's text can be scrolled out of its window) -- anyway, it was an instinctive action that I just 'did' faster than I could stop and think about it.

The unfortunate part is the "webpage's" breaking of the web paradigm by disallowing a user to get back to where they were at by retyping in the address where they were at when they 'left'. In this situation, you have 2 (at least) different pages that are displayed through the same addr -- the default being one with existing comments and a "Comment" button, and the 2nd (the one I needed to get back to in order to continue my input -- the page with the expanded Comment input dialogue.

Since a submit is required to open the 2nd displayed page (w/the same URL), hitting the browser's forward command has it pop up a warning that it needs to 'resubmit' the input for that page in order to redisplay it. That's the problem. No way to get to back to back w/out a 'submit' which clears user's input. GRR, sigh....

Anyhow, simplest solution: don't have a 'Comment Button' that one needs to press to get to the expanded (open) "add comment" section. That way if one has accidentally gone back, they can easily go forward again w/out needing to resent input and they'll be returned to their original page with the text intact! Much happier user.

--- --- ----
AND NOW...for what I've tried to post 3 times now...
--- --- ----

None of the above info works or applies in my case.

I see no dialog from explorer. I only see one if I try to open it directly from winzip (about it being a 'dangerous' extension). But the instructions on the site where I downloaded it from (https://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/prn3115c/en/UG_En.zip), just say to unpack it, which I do.

Normally, if I download a zip file from a 'strange' site, the untrusted bit gets set (even on zip files). Any files extracted from a 'tainted' zip file also are extracted 'tainted'. However, I think since this was a trusted (https) site, the 'tainted' bit wasn't set in the first place.

Also, there was no Security dialog at the bottom of my file's prop page.

I first tried setting my 'local net's settings to 'lowest security' (I'm on a controlled isolated subnet). That didn't work.

Then I tried putting 'file:/\S:\' drive in my 'Trusted Server's zone'. It took it, in a fashion, and added file://Ishtar.

Anyway, time to "hunt & peck some more" (and sorry about the longer "OT 'rant'" at the top. I got tired of losing my text.

November 19, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Hi Thanks for that, I'd been scratching my head all afternoon.
Just to mention that if there are multiple files in the help folder you have to unblock each one individually.

December 02, 2009

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

thanks alot

Abdul Areef
December 28, 2009

# trying to open chm file in internet explorer 6


In my applicaiton, i am trying to open the chm file link in internet explorer 6.0, but its opening the file with unreadable content.

i dont know what is the problem

support expected...


Jan Bucek
January 05, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Where the hell I can see option "unblock" in file properties? I tried to open file properties of myHelp.chm in WinXP, Vista and Win7, but I have not seen it. Rick, how did you made your screnshots of file properties with unblock?

Rick Strahl
January 05, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

@Jan - if you don't see the unblock button the file either is not blocked or you have an administrative policy that prohibits unblocking (or executing of files).

Jan Bucek
January 05, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Rick, thanks for quick answer. You have written: "you have an administrative policy that prohibits unblocking (or executing of files)." - where can I see (and change) this options? I have tested my problem on my home peer-to-peer network; as server is used PC XPhome, as Desktop I used PC with XP, Vista or Win7.

Ubaid ur Rehman Baig
January 11, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks a lot!!! I was frustrating how to open my e-book on Windows 7, it saved my time.

January 27, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks a lot Rick..It was very helpful...

Hero Hiralal
January 29, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks & Good bless you!!

February 01, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

hey man..ur hint is really a good remedy...
very short but it is work.....thanks olot..:))

February 06, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

If you create a symbolic directory link from a local path to the root of the UNC path where the CHM files live you can bypass the zone checking altogether (provided that you access them using the local symlinked path). There is a walkthrough @ http://bitjitsu.com/archives/24

February 15, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks a Loat for this valuable post.

Craig's Blog
February 16, 2010

# links for 2010-02-16

CHM HTML help file issues...:System Admin Technical Blog This works (tags: chm windows failure regedit

February 17, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks ! easy solution , helped me a lot.

February 17, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Hi Rick, thanx for the solution. Its very easy

February 20, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Wow, easy but great solution.

Mehdi Ebrahimi
March 03, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks, Excellent

March 10, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks for everyones input I have solved a problem that has plagued me for a while now (at least on my home machine). Now if only I could fix this on a locked down office machine. I think this is a big enough issue that many people would stop developing CHM files.

March 29, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thanks for the unblocking idea to open CHM File (.chm)

May 05, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

um.. theres no "unblock" button on my properties tab.... ??

William Holt
May 11, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

I know that you posted this some time ago, but the advice is still helpful. Your tip solved my problem and I can see all of the contents of my CHM files now. Thank you very much for posting this!

John Neels
May 17, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Hi All,

After reading thsi page , I realised that you guys can help me....

I am building up a Help Utlity for my profject in my PC( a simple .CHM with quit a few HTMLs)
I was facing two problems while deploying it in my Network.

1. When I try to open from some other USER login/PC.The screen throws me the below error.
Action canceled
Internet Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable.


Please try the following:

Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

If you have visited this page previously and you want to view what has been stored on your computer, click File, and then click Work Offline.

For information about offline browsing with Internet Explorer, click the Help menu, and then click Contents and Index.


2. EVEN USING THE CHM file on my SYSTEM, in few case I was not able to view the images in the HTML document. Actually speaking my HTML pages are converted from WORD using SAVE AS HTML option.

September 15, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

I am unable to open the chm file with bookshelflt in my iphone 4. it says unsupported file format,but I am able to open in windows xp system. I use the iTunes->apps->File sharing option to add the chm file to the BookShelfLT and sync with iphone 4. The chm files are already unlocked and not read only. Help please.

September 21, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Well, another "Work around" is - Add the file to ZIP, and open by double clicking.
works like a charm.
Actually .. THIS is what I call a security loophole, apparently, now your security pool has changed to that of ZIP file !

James H
October 05, 2010

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've struggled with downloaded CHM's several times in the past and had just about given up on another one when I found this blog post.

January 04, 2011

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Woohoo!!! To you Swapnil, I've been going crazy trying to get a 'chm' file to open from a network drive and by zipping it and double clicking, like you suggested… VOILA & it opened! Thanks a million!!! --Yoli :0)

Ulf Elfving
February 08, 2012

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

This tip really helped out.

I also think that you have to save your chm file to a local storage (C:)

I didn't seem to get this working when I saved the chm file to a network share.

Is this a repost since it popped up in my Google Reader today?

Rick Strahl
February 08, 2012

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

@Ulf - yes it's been reposted and updated with current screen shots and a few extra notes - yesterday actually. Moved the date up to make it visible in the feed for a bit but not at current date.

February 22, 2012

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

I've got no Update button and tried the registry edit with no luck. I also tried alternative software to try to open my chm but that fails as well with the "Automation server can't create object" .... "mk:@MSITStore:biguide.chm::/guide.js"

Rick Strahl
February 22, 2012

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

@yaro - it sounds like something is misconfigured on your system. Basically there's a protocol mapping for CHM file content which is syntax like this:


You should be able to paste a URL like this (to a valid topic) into Internet Explorer and it should work. If it doesn't or complains that 'moniker' doesn't exist it means that the mapping is broken.

May 15, 2012

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

For those who can't access the 'Unblock" option,

Make sure the file name does not contain the '#' sign or even the folder name of the folder it's contained in.

Have a look at the post I've linked below.



May 26, 2012

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Man you're good. There is so much of trash written outside to fix this simple problem.
Please keep it up...


September 23, 2012

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Great!!! just clicking the Unblock button every thing is solved. Nice Thanks for the timely help.

Norman Brenner
April 29, 2013

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

Rick: you've saved my life. The .CHM file for AvalonEdit failed in exactly this way, and your wonderful article fixed the problem immediately. Thanks a million!

Alan Bourke
May 14, 2015

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

You can also use the PowerShell 'unblock-File' commandlet at the prompt, which is useful for scripting this, running it on batches of files, and so on.

February 14, 2016

# re: Problems with opening CHM Help files from Network or Internet

If you have Server 2008R2 then this is the Reg Key you need to add. Struggled with this off and on for years...


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