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Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net


I was futzing around today with installation of one of my Web applications. Automatic installation of apps as to where they can be fully self-installed has always been a thing that I like to do, but it’s difficult to get this right with the ‘lower end’ installer tools and it’s a major PITA (not to mention an expensive undertaking) when dealing with the high end installer tools that do support that sort of thing well.


My typical install scenarios are these:


  • Allow selection of a Web Site to install to
  • Create a Virtual Directory
  • Possibly set up alternate script maps
  • If running IIS set up an Application Pool


I haven’t gotten around to the latter two items, but I did start building a small wrapper class that retrieves a list of Web Sites installed locally (or on a remote machine) and allows creation of a virtual directory with the most common settings.


The following VirtualDirectory class is a pretty basic implementation that does the core functions that I typically need when creating a virtual directory. If you look at the public field list you can get a pretty good idea what options I implemented. Obviously not everything is covered here, but it sure is nicer to call the CreateVirtual() method than jerking around with the DirectoryEntry class. The following C# class handles these base tasks for me:


public class VirtualDirectory



public WebServerType ServerType = WebServerType.IIS6;


public string Virtual = "";

public string FriendlyName = "";

public string Path = "";

public string IISPath = "IIS://LOCALHOST/W3SVC/1/ROOT";

public string ApplicationPool = "";  // n/a

public bool AuthNTLM = true;

public bool AuthAnonymous = true;

public bool AuthBasic = true;

public string DefaultDocuments = "default.htm,default.aspx,default.asp";




/// Used for GetWebSites to retrieve sites for a given domain or IP


public string DomainName = "localhost";



/// Contains Virtual directory entry (as a DirectoryEntry object) after

/// the virtual was created.


public DirectoryEntry VDir = null;



/// Contains error message on a failure result.


public string ErrorMessage = "";




/// Returns a list of Web Sites on the local machine



public WebSiteEntry[] GetWebSites()


      string Path = "IIS://" + this.DomainName + "/W3SVC";


      DirectoryEntry root = null;



            root = new DirectoryEntry(Path);




            this.SetError("Couldn't access root node");

            return null;


      if (root == null)


            this.SetError("Couldn't access root node");

            return null;



      ArrayList al = new ArrayList(20);


      foreach (DirectoryEntry Entry in root.Children)


            PropertyCollection Properties = Entry.Properties;




                  WebSiteEntry Site = new WebSiteEntry();

                  Site.SiteName = (string) Properties["ServerComment"].Value;

                  Site.IISPath = Entry.Path;



            catch { ; }





      return (WebSiteEntry[]) al.ToArray(typeof(WebSiteEntry));




/// Creates a Virtual Directory on the Web Server and sets a few

/// common properties based on teh property settings of this object.



public bool CreateVirtual()




      DirectoryEntry root= new DirectoryEntry(this.IISPath);

      if (root == null)


            this.SetError("Couldn't access root node");

            return false;





            this.VDir = root.Children.Add(Virtual,"IISWebVirtualDir");




            try { this.VDir= new DirectoryEntry(this.IISPath + "/" + Virtual); }

            catch {;}



      if (this.VDir == null)


            this.SetError("Couldn't create virtual.");

            return false;






      return this.SaveVirtualDirectory();



public bool SaveVirtualDirectory()


      PropertyCollection Properties = VDir.Properties;




            Properties["Path"].Value = Path;


      catch (Exception ex)


            this.SetError("Invalid Path provided " + ex.Message);

            return false;




      if (this.FriendlyName == "")

            VDir.Properties["AppFriendlyName"].Value = Virtual;


            VDir.Properties["AppFriendlyName"].Value = this.FriendlyName;


      if (this.DefaultDocuments != "")

            VDir.Properties["DefaultDoc"].Value = this.DefaultDocuments;


      int Flags = 0;

      if (this.AuthAnonymous)

            Flags = 1;

      if (this.AuthBasic)

            Flags = Flags + 2;

      if (this.AuthNTLM)

            Flags = Flags + 4;

      Properties["AuthFlags"].Value = Flags;   // NTLM AuthBasic Anonymous




      return true;


protected void SetError(string ErrorMessage)


      if (ErrorMessage == null)

            this.ErrorMessage = "";


      this.ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage;




public enum WebServerType


      IIS4, IIS5, IIS6



There is also a WebSiteEntry class that’s used to capture the list of Web Sites when calling the GetWebSites() method which returns an array of these objects.


public class WebSiteEntry


      public string SiteName = "";

      public string Comment = "";

      public string IISPath = "";



Working with DirectoryEntry and especially VDir.Properties collection is not a lot of fun. I had a hell of a time trying to get this collection to work correctly. Originally I was referencing the collection directly off the VDir class. For some unknown reason this did not work until I moved the collection off onto a separate variable. This did not work:


string Path = (string) VDir.Properties["Path"];


But this did:


PropertyCollection Properties = VDir.Properties;

string Path = (string) Properties["Path"];


Go figure. By the way, if you need to find documentation in MSDN on what properties are available do a search on IIsWebVirtualDir, which will give you a list of all the settings available. I’m glad to see Microsoft moved the ADSI settings back into MSDN more visibly in recent versions of MSDN – about a year ago, the new WMI settings were the only ones that I could find.


To utilize the class, here is an example of how I use it in my West Wind Web Store configuration application. This app runs as desktop app as a Post install executable and handles a bunch of configuration tasks for the application, such as creating the SQL database, configuring the Web Site. This is then followed by further configuration once the Web Site is configured via a ASP. Net based application configuration.


The following two snippets deal with displaying a list of Web Sites to the user and then allowing the user to select a Web Site, virtual path name with a physical path pointing at the current installation directory.


The following loads a list of sites into a dropdown box:


private void LoadSites()


      VirtualDirectory vd = new VirtualDirectory();

      Sites = vd.GetWebSites();

      if (Sites == null)


            MessageBox.Show("Couldn't read IIS Configuration\r\n" +

                  "Make sure IIS is installed on this machine.",

                  "Web Monitor",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);



      for (int x=0; x < Sites.Length; x++) 




      if (Sites.Length > 0)

            this.lstSites.SelectedIndex = 0;




To actually create a virtual directory I then pick the user’s selection and go with their choice:


private void btnCreateVDir_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


      int lnIndex = this.lstSites.SelectedIndex;

      if (lnIndex < 0)



      VirtualDirectory Virtual = new VirtualDirectory();

      Virtual.Virtual = this.txtVirtual.Text;

      Virtual.Path = this.txtPath.Text;

      Virtual.IISPath = this.Sites[lnIndex].IISPath + "/ROOT";


      if ( Virtual.CreateVirtual() )


            MessageBox.Show("Virtual Directory " + Virtual.Virtual + " created.")

            this.VirtualCreated = true;



            MessageBox.Show("Virtual Directory " + Virtual.Virtual +

                            " failed to create.\r\n\r\n" +

                            Virtual.ErrorMessage + "\r\n\r\n")



I’ve used this sort of thing in several of my Web apps thus far and it’s worked out great – I have had no support calls on this stuff where with default installs going to the default Web Site I’ve often had major issues either because the server wasn’t properly dealing with localhost (especially in multi-homed servers).


I hope somebody finds the above useful, because it sure saves me a lot of time now when building new Web installations.

The Voices of Reason


# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net


I have created a similar class to setup websites & virtual directories on remote IIS servers.

I'm running it from a web application and keep running into problems when trying to make any Invoke calls.. I can set properties no problems.. but whenever I try to use Invoke to call "AppCreate" for example, i get a System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied error saying something about the ASP.NET anonymous use required permissions etc...

This is strange since I'm passing the DirectoryEntry a username & password with admin priviledges, and I can set properties etc.. but can't use Invoke?

Don't know if you have run into this problem before or have any insights on overcoming it..


Rick Strahl
June 03, 2004

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

The permissions may not kick in until you save and the internal data store is accessed (the IIS metabase or the IIS6 XML config file). I suspect that's where the problem lies...

I think what you need to do is run this Admin task out of a separate directory and set your web.config file to use Impersonation for your Authentication. Then log in as an Admin user which shoudl then pass through the Admin rights to your ASP.Net application.

Frank Zehelein
June 16, 2004

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Thats really a great example and well done. Was looking for exactly that solution.

Thank you a lot for posting this solution!

June 29, 2004

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Really a great example.
I use this from a wep app (if someone need a snippet)..

July 05, 2004

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

is this work with IIs5 and Server 2000 (not 2003). I tried it on my machine and I get always accept denied response.

July 05, 2004

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Hi, I've server 2000 and IIS-6
For using system.DirectoryServices Microsoft writes:
This example requires Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Previous to Windows Server 2003 SP1, the IIS ADSI provider could not be used from System.DirectoryServices to delete metabase nodes.
see : msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/iissdk/iis/deleting_metabase_nodes_using_system_directoryservices.asp

is it right?

Rick Strahl
July 06, 2004

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

You will need admin rights to do any of this. So if you're doing this from a Web page you probably will need to use Impersonation and a protected page in the directory you're running this page from.
I'm pretty sure this works with all versions of IIS - I certainly haven't heard anything from anybody else and I have this in a couple of product installations (of course sometimes people are difficult in reporting bugs :-})

July 13, 2004

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

To make this run in ASP.net you would need to remove Anonymous access, change the access of the site to a specified user other than IUSR_, then allow ASP.net Config file to allow for impersonation........

On another note:Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1), does not exist. There have been no service packs for 2003.

March 04, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

I am using this code from WEB APP
I am using WIN 2000 ,asp.net
but I keep getting Access Denied , How do I change permission and what setting need changing in WEB.CONFIG file foe impersonation

Rick Strahl
March 04, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

You can either give NETWORK SERVICE/ASPNET enough rights to do this (probably not a great idea), or you can set up a directory where you use Impersonation.

I wrote about this in another context a while back:

March 09, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

This example is great, but don´t appears in IIS list. What did happen?

Dan Yerex
March 10, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

try this:

string Path = (string) VDir.Properties["Path"][0];

March 28, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

simply great, i couldn't have asked for more.

Chee Chen
April 20, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Great example, but for some reason setting the AppFriendlyName property didn't work for me. The textbox in MMC still apears empty. Any idea?

May 06, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Is there any way to set anonymous access on a particular file in Virtual Directory on machine with Windows Server 2003?

Rick Strahl
May 07, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Not through the IISAdmin interface. To do this you have to set file permissions. Basically you have to enable Anonymous access (give Internet Guest access) on the directory. Then on all of the files except the one you want to have anonymous access for remove the Internet Guest account.

You can use ACL setting routines to do this programmatically, although I think you should be using some other scheme to configure this - most likely with a public and protected directory structure.

June 08, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

This is exactly wath i need.
Haven't tried it yet, cause i got a question.
Do I have to have Active Directory installed on the server to use it?

September 01, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Hi Rick,

this is ver simialy to something i did recently to help deploy an app across multiple servers. I get an "Access is denied" error trying to create the virtual directoy on a server other than the one the code is running on. It is a webservice trying to create the virtual directory and in the web config file i have added the impersonate tag with administrative rights. Any ideas?


September 13, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Hi Rick/All,

One question. What do you need to set in order for it to be a virtual directory and not an application on IIS?



Rick Strahl
September 13, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net


Just don't call AppCreate(). You actually create a virtual only and explicitly have to set it to make it an application.

Tony John
September 16, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

How can I programmaticaly set the user account for the web site/virtual directory created? Any help would be appreciated.

September 29, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Anyone knows how can i add a property to a directoryEntry??

Sen K . Mathew
November 06, 2005

# Creating virtual directory -Please Read this(This is not code) But please Read it and Help Us

Dear All
I read all Feed backs and comments. What I felt from the above Feed back is that most people are not equiped with full knowledge of .NET - including me.
So What I suggest to Dear friends who are posting Good Code sapmle is that Please write it in friendly way. Why we are searching for codes in Internet is for speeding up our Developments and not for complaining.
Let us take the example - The Code given above
Most people are getting - Access denied + all other problems.

and What was our aim :
To make a virtual Directory.

Locally and remotely
Important : All most all codes work locally and will not work remotely.

Then Make sure that the code will work locally and remotely.

Or if you want any other changes include all changes and give us line by line comments.

If possible Error and error description and how to remove errors.

If you people, who are writing and publishing codes can look into above matters All these feed backs comments , re-searching etc can be avoided not only that it saves time.
Always remember one thing, If a beginner can understand your code , then any body can understand it with out any problem.

Thanking you


Sen K. Mathew

Sen K . Mathew
November 07, 2005

# re: Creating Virtuals(Here is another help)

Dear friends
Wooooo I found One more thing
I am writing this again to you all to help you.

My biggest headache was that I could not create a virtual directory in other machines(eg. staging server or production server etc).
I was searching all these time and wondering why it is not creating a directory on a staging or production server.

whooooo, I found out.
do you notice the code(I am giving you the code from the begining) :
public class VirtualDirectory

public WebServerType ServerType =
public string Virtual = "";
public string FriendlyName = "";
public string Path = "";
public string IISPath
"IIS://LOCALHOST/W3SVC/1/ROOT" here is our culprit.
Does anyone knew or know

What is this "IIS://LOCALHOST/W3SVC/1/ROOT" means

Please look at the number 1

that is /1/Root .
This number (here it is 1(one) is the Site Id number.

That is suppose if your IIS has a site other than Local Web-site, Then this number would be a different one. Please remember if your machine is a dedicated server you will not see this id, because it has only one site Default web site. But in a shared host many sites would be running and you would be able to see the Site Id for each Site. If you mention an ID which is already there . Your programme will never create a Virtual directory, instead it will give you confusing error messages like Access denied etc etc etc. So If you have 5 Sites in IIS Make sure that your line of code has 6 in it, means new site's id's number
that is

I hope this would help you

Thanking you
Sen K. Mathew

Michael Freidgeim
May 18, 2006

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

You wrote :"This did not work:
string Path = (string) VDir.Properties["Path"];"

AD/IIS Property can be multi-valued, so it is represented as PropertyValueCollection.
So the following should work:
string Path = (string) VDir.Properties["Path"][0];"

# Programmatically set IIS Authentication for a page.

Ordwin Notten
June 23, 2006

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net


I am fairly new in the world of .Net and I am currently working on an app that retrieves the virtualdirectories on a remote system, running windows 2003 server.
I have tried the above examples but it keeps giving me "access denied". If I run the app locally on the server then it nicely returns a list.
It doesn't matter if I perform a call like
New DirectoryEntry("IIS:\\" & name & "\W3SVC") or
New DirectoryEntry("IIS:\\" & name & "\W3SVC", login, password)
it keeps returning "access denied".
What can be wrong????. Do I need to perform some settings on the server or on the client.
When looking in IIS on the server, Web Sites properties, Directory Security then anonymous access authentication is enabled.

Rick Strahl's Web Log
September 28, 2006

# Configuration File Settings and ASP.Net Security - Rick Strahl's Web Log

Somebody brought up a good point about my Configuration Settings class today that I failed to mention in the article: Security requirements for an ASP.Net application to be able to actually make changes to the .Config file.

deus ex machina
October 19, 2006

# deus ex machina: octobre 2004

October 23, 2006

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

How can I programatically select the ASP.NET Version (ASP.NET Tab in the properties of the virtual directory)?

November 10, 2006

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Well Done...(and this is the second article..i was reading Sharpdeveloper code..and i think isee your code inside)...you are the men ..thank you, please share more when you had a chance.

i don't if this is the right place to share with you this..but i was a delphi programmer..(well i'm still) but right now i don't know if Delphi is a good option for MS framework...and it seems that C# is the best for that..what do you think?

January 01, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

How to do Access remote IIS or change metabase file?


Rick Strahl
January 17, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

To access a remote domain just use the remote IP Address or domain name. Note though that this must be accessible through Windows and you have to have proper permissions to do it.

Michael Freidgeim
March 04, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net


I've noticed that your CreateVirtual function hides some exceptions catch {;}.
Do you have any particular reason for this?
I am asking, because I am using your class in my install application and for one client it returns back without error, but doesn't create the virtual directory.

Rick Strahl
March 04, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Michael, if you use the Properties collection and a value doesn't exist it throws an exception rather than return null or empty, so I have to eat the exception. So when looping through the list of sites you often get some 'empty' sites and the code above skips over them.

I'm not sure why those are there - presumably sites that were created and discarded and didn't clean up right or something.

Michael Freidgeim
March 05, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Rick,thank you for clarification.
I will add System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(exc.ToString()) to investigate the problem.

Rick Strahl
March 05, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Part of the problem is that the exceptions are generic COM exceptions from the ADSI provider underneath. I can't remember what the exception actually was, but it wasn't anything terribly useful - the issue was simply that there were no values to be retrieved...

May 23, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Good Artcle. I am also looking for similar thing, i would like to list down number of application paools available in the IIS with start and stop service functionality. Please do suggest be how can i go about it. I was able to list down IIS services as it was explicityly available as a service but in the case of appPool, i cud not figure that out. Please help me out. Thanks.

Rick Strahl's Web Log
June 21, 2007

# Programmatically listing, getting and setting Application Pools - Rick Strahl's Web Log

Ever need to programmatically list, or get or set an IIS Application Pool? Here's the code to this programmatically with .NET code using DirectoryServices.

Pushpendra Gautam
July 25, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

i want to create new site on IIS during installation of Webservice with .NET . and to
deploy webservice on that Site.
help me......

August 23, 2007

# How.....?

How can I get names of vituals that under a virtual?Thanks.

Rick Strahl
August 23, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

You just need to add the subvirtual to the IISPath and use it as the base path:


You can walk this syntax all the way down the hierarchy.

November 19, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

I really like this article, but i have a problem. I have 1 form and on that form 1 button and 1 combobox. When the button is pressed the code you used with the method private void LoadSites() is used. But i get an error saying: "COMException was Unhandeled" at this line: foreach(DirectoryEntry Entry in root.Children), the error marks root.Children with yellow. In Visual Studion 2005....

How do i solve this?

November 20, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Article is great!

Someone asked above - "How can I programatically select the ASP.NET Version (ASP.NET Tab in the properties of the virtual directory)? "

Well, my question is the same, does enyone know how to solve this?

Rick Strahl
November 20, 2007

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Setting the .NET version cannot be done as part of the virtual configuration, but has to be done at the system level with ASP.NET configuration utility. The service manager just reads this info from the metabase to display it.

Also keep in mind that IIS 7 doesn't tie the .NET version to a virtual but rather to an Application Pool.

Here's the code from the web configuration tool that does this for IIS 5/6:

public bool SetDotNetVersion()
    // *** Only supported on IIS 5/6 - on IIS 7 the Application Pool
    // *** determines the .NET version used
    if (ServerType != WebServerTypes.IIS6 &&
        ServerType != WebServerTypes.IIS5)
        return false;

        string ADSIPath = this.IISPath.Substring(this.IISPath.IndexOf("W3SVC"));
        string ExeFile =  System.IO.Path.GetFullPath( Environment.SystemDirectory + "\\..\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v"  + this.DotNetVersion) + "\\aspnet_regiis.exe";
        string CommandLine = "-s " + ADSIPath + "/" + this.Virtual;

        Process p = new Process();
        p.StartInfo.FileName = ExeFile;
        p.StartInfo.Arguments = CommandLine;
        p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;
        p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;


        string LastCompilerResult = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

    catch(Exception ex)
        this.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
        return false;

    return true;

where this.DotNetVersion needs to be the fully qualified version number (ie. the same as the path).

I doubt that this matters much these days though because you'll want to set to 2.0 most likely as 3.0 and 3.5 all use 2.0 as the base runtime anyway. That only leaves 1.0 and 1.1 as alternate options which should be starting to get rare these days.

Testing Law
February 11, 2008

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

i try to convert the SetDotNetVersion to vb.net
but get errors with ServerType, WebServerTypes, Me.IISPath

May 07, 2008

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Hi, I am trying to access remote machine IIS using directory service exactly the same way you have mentioned but I am getting access denied message always. I have already set impersonate=true in my web application and the account which i am using is in administrator group of remote machine. also I have changed IIS metabase permissions and given full rights to this account but still no luck. Its working fine for local machine but not for remote machine

September 15, 2008

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Hi All,

I've created an IIS Web Site from C# and now I want to make one of its folders (not Virtual Directories, just physical folders i've created within the web site's path) unreadable, doing it from C#.

Do you have any clue of how to do this?


Rick Strahl
September 15, 2008

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

@Brian - Use a <location> tag in web.config and set the authorization to allow no access.

Tazeem Ansari
May 21, 2009

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

Hi I have similer code running in Windows XP but does'nt run Windows Vista without being an administrator.

Rick Strahl
May 21, 2009

# re: Creating Virtuals and reading Installed Sites on IIS with .Net

@Tazeem - it won't run on XP without being an administrator either, it's just that by default users are an Administrator on XP but not on Vista. Either way modifying IIS settings requires Administrator account access as it should be, so you have to ask for it before you run your installation routine.

West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2025