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jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted


I’ve posted part two in the (now) three part series of articles about jQuery with ASP.NET today. You can read the article here:

jQuery with ASP.NET (Part 2: Making Ajax Callbacks to the Server)

Part 2 of this article series deals entirely with various ways of interaction between jQuery and ASP.NET server side code for making AJAX callbacks.  If you have any questions or comments regarding this article please leave them below.

If you missed Part 1 – it is an introduction to jQuery and focuses primarily on the client side features of jQuery.

An Introduction to jQuery (Part1: The Client Side)

Although this article uses ASP.NET for the sample discussed the content in Part 1 is really server platform agnostic.

Part 2: Focus on Ajax and Server Callbacks

The new article first introduces the basic features available in jQuery and then proceeds to demonstrate a number of different ways to call ASP.NET code. A wide variety of topics are covered from basic .load() calls to separate URLs, to same Page callbacks with Html and JSON data. The bulk of the article focuses on interacting with WCF and ASMX services for raw AJAX callbacks that treat ASP.NET primarily as a data backend for a client application. There’s also some discussion of using client side templating for rendering and maintaining HTML in one place and several extensive sample applications are provided to demonstrate the concepts.

The sample project also includes a host of utilities and what is basically the West Wind Ajax Toolkit Version 2.0. The jQueryControls project contains a number of server controls that simplify a number of client scenarios and also includes a few useful utilities like the ClientScriptProxy, ScriptVariables and ScriptContainer components. The tools have all been updated to work with jQuery on the client.

The article is fairly long (yeah, yeah what else is new?) , mainly due to a fair number of code listings and detailed discussion of some of the examples. As I was writing this thing I was trying to incorporate a number of the questions and comments I’ve heard in the last few months. Hopefully some of you will find this useful.

I thought I was going to do only two parts in this series, but since I ran a bit long on the AJAX portions I decided to leave the server side integration topic (server control creation, wrapping client functionality etc.) for another article. Not only would this article have gotten too long but it would also have blurred the focus at the end. Eeek, two down one more to go…

Posted in jQuery  ASP.NET  AJAX  WCF  

The Voices of Reason


Steve from Pleasant Hill
December 04, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Great stuff. This now allows me to throw away notes I've scribbled while experimenting with this technology.

The first time I used jQuery to call a service and plop stuff into a DIV tag was rather exhilarating, but I'm not quite sure why...

Lee Baker
December 04, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Thanks Rick,

This is a great article. Well written and really opened my eyes about what is possible using jQuery.


December 05, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Hi Rick

Why not use pagemethods if you want to post back to the same page.
This gives you a much cleaner way to specify your callback method.

Instead of figuring it out in the page load, you directly call the pagemethod...

Just a thought


Rick Strahl
December 05, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@Tim - PageMethods are just another way that is effectively a Web Service call. Since PageMethods are static you have no access to the page and its logic, so these methods have to be self contained like the service callbacks I mentioned in the article.

There's a place for doing manual routing if you need access to other content in the page or rely on controls that are defined on the page. For example, the list view rendering example wouldn't work from a Page method because the listview is defined on the page itself and you don't have access to that from Pagemethods.

That doesn't make it a bad choice - it's just closer to the service implementation which I would always recommend instead of page methods for purposes of separation of concerns.

December 05, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted


This is a fantastic post! It came at a time when I was working with jQuery and ASP.NET MVC and wanted a simple control to query a JSON service. Thanks very much! By the way, the stock server burps as it can't find the database! Will you post the database MDF or the SQL script create the database?


December 06, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

You've been knacked. Keep up the good work.

December 06, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

fantastic article.. waiting for the third part.. why cant u try to put this as a book (just a small suggestion)..i am following all your articles on jquery from the first... just mind blowing .... and i am suggesting the approach what you have shown here to my company buddies...keep up the good work


December 06, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

as i told you i am working on the template .. i am able to solve the first issue.. now the second is

$.getJSON("Default.aspx?Callback=getRiskbyId", { RiskId: Riskid }, function(result) {
// Retrieve the Item template
var template = $("#grdRiskValues").html();
// Parse the template and merge stock data into it

var html = parseTemplate(template, result);


i am getting result not defined error from the parse template method.. can i know why is that and how to solve it

Rick Strahl
December 06, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@Indy - the database is in the APP_DATA folder. The default sample is set up for file based SQL Express database, but you may have to attach the database, set permissions and then change the connection string accordingly.

@satish - you need to step through your code and see what is actually returned in result. The template should not reference result only its properties.

December 06, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

the problem occurs only if put the for construct in the template.. but somehow i tried to make it...thanks for the reply... keep the good work

December 07, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Hi Rick,
thank you for an amazing article about using jQuery with ASP.Net. You really saved me a ton of time.

Ben Amada
December 07, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Wow, long article, but very thorough. In Listing 5 in the ServiceProxy.invoke() function, when the top level object node is being stripped off, if there are 2 items returned from the server, is the callback() function in the FOR loop called two times -- once for each item? The callback function in this case is written using $.each() to iterate over the items in the quotes array. It seems like the callback() function could just as easily be called once with multiple items passed in for the quotes parameter. Just curious, thanks!

Ben Amada
December 07, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

I think I may have answered my own question. With the break; statement in the FOR loop, I guess the FOR loop only runs once and the first property, passed to the callback() function, is the "collection" of items returned from the server. So only one call to the callback function is made.

Rick Strahl
December 07, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@Ben - I'm not sure I understand your question. Each service call is going to return exactly one result value and that value is parsed out. If you make multiple calls the callback handler is called multiple times, once for each call you made.

The each loop only aims to find the first property by looping over it and then exiting. It's just to return d.firstProperty when callback is called. It's not looping over all properties - in fact there should only ever be one so technically the break isn't necessary, but this is obviously confusing and the break is another reminder.

Ben Amada
December 07, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Thanks for the explanation Rick. So if there is only one property, I guess the FOR loop with the break statement is equivalent to just result[0].

Ben Amada
December 07, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Oops, I guess result[0] won't do it. result.d works, but I can see the advantage of the For loop since it avoids having to hard code the letter 'd'.

Rick Strahl
December 07, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@Ben - you shouldn't hardcode the d because if you end up using ASMX in .NET 2.0 it uses some other identifier for the wrapper object. The parsing is generic and the only way that I could think of getting the identifier of the first property.

John Welborn
December 08, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

You've got a typo in the article title. Says something like ajax callbckas.

December 11, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Great work Rick!

One thing...in the _readme.htm, it says WcfAjax is a WAP project but I don't see it. I only see WcfAjaxBusiness. Is that a typo? I am able to run with cassini, but when I try using virtual directory I get "Callback Error: undefined"

I am new with WCF, so I may be missing something here...

Rick Strahl
December 11, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@bz - I removed the WcfAjax project and merged the relevant examples into the main jQueryWeb project.

As to virtual - make sure the virtual is properly configured. You should load the .svc file in the browser to see if it works and follow instructions if it doesn't. Make sure you only have 1 kind of authentication (ie. Anonymous OR Windows but not both) as WCF only supports a single auth mechanism.

December 12, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted


Thanks for the great examples.

What if I need to pass a complex JSON stock object to my WCF service similar to Listing 5?
JSON Example: {"stocks":[{"symbol":"msft","investorinfo":{"sharesowned":"500","datepurchased":"12/01/2008","price":{"purchasedprice":"20.00","commision":"19.95"}}},{"symbol":"goog","investorinfo":{"sharesowned":"100","datepurchased":"12/01/2008","price":{"purchasedprice":"300.00","commision":"19.95"}}},{"symbol":"aapl","investorinfo":{"sharesowned":"50","datepurchased":"12/01/2008","price":{"purchasedprice":"100.00","commision":"19.95"}}},{"symbol":"intc","investorinfo":{"sharesowned":"1000","datepurchased":"12/01/2008","price":{"purchasedprice":"15.00","commision":"19.95"}}}]}

How would I then configure my WCF method? Is there anything special to do to the $.ajax call?

Rick Strahl
December 12, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@tw - as long as your method signature on the server has the appropriate type that matches the Javascript object structure that you're sending it will serialize and just work.

Ideally the way you want to do this is use the server to give you an existing object - either do a load or new operation. That way you have the server serialize you a C# object marshalled to the client. You can then re-populate that object and send that back to the server which will guarantee that the object can be passed back.

WCF's deserialization will deal with missing properties.

Note though you do need a full type description - you can't take object as a parameter and accept a generic input value - it has to be a specific type.

December 15, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Tried creating an object on the server and retrieving and then updating the values as you suggested. This is my OperationContract
[WebGet(RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
public void stocks(List<Stock> stocks)
// Do Something

However stock is null.

Any suggestions or good examples?

December 15, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Tried creating an object on the server and retrieving and then updating the values as you suggested. This is my OperationContract
[WebGet(RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
public void stocks(List<Stock> stocks)
// Do Something

However stock is null.

Any suggestions or good examples?

Rick Strahl
December 15, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@tw - What are you passing from the client? You need to pass an array of stocks back that looks just like the array going down.

December 15, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

I was trying to pass more complex json


Rick Strahl
December 15, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

This should work as long as the JSON signature matches the input object structure AND that all objects are marked for serialization on the server (ie. DataContract/DataMember attributes)...

As I said - the easiest is to look at the serialized object and mimic that structure to pass back to the server.

FWIW, I think it's really bad practice to send back this much data to the server. If you're building apps like this it's often recommended to updates in small chunks - ie. update each stock/portfolio instance individually rather than taking the 'DataSet' approach of modifying a whole set and sending the whole thing back.

Vladimir Kelman
December 17, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

You are talking about load function and saying that its format is
jQuery documentation at http://docs.jquery.com/Ajax/load#urldatacallback says that a format is
load( url, [data], [callback] )
where "data" stands for "Key/value pairs that will be sent to the server".

If I'm not mistaken, your following LDK Stock example

function showStockQuote() {
$("#divResult").load("StockDisplay.aspx", { symbol: $("#txtSymbol" ).val() });

follows "load( url, data)" format. "data" is supplied, while "callback" is not. This mistake makes it hard to understand your explanation.
I would tell that a load format is
and that in your LDK Stock example "{ symbol: $("#txtSymbol" ).val() }" is "data" parameter.


Marc B
December 17, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted


"FWIW, I think it's really bad practice to send back this much data to the server. If you're building apps like this it's often recommended to updates in small chunks - ie. update each stock/portfolio instance individually rather than taking the 'DataSet' approach of modifying a whole set and sending the whole thing back."

Are you referring to tw's post (12/15 at 12:36pm)? So, when passing back an array of data like the stock symbols, would you recommend doing a javascript loop on the client side and sending each symbol's data to the server per loop?

for (var i = 0; i < myStocks.length; i++)
(ajax call sending each stock symbol's data to server here)


Rick Strahl
December 17, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@Marc - it depends on the data you're sending. Arrays and arrays of objects should work as long as the type signature on the server matches.

The point is to not hold stale information on the client, but update the server in small/atomic and hopefully logical chunks.

Rick Strahl
December 17, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@Vladimir - the data parameter is optional, if not provided the callback can be the second parameter. It works either way.

December 23, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Great articles about jQuery. Well written. I am wondering if you could enlighten me with regards to a non-AJAX page. What about a regular ASP.NET "postbacks"? I'm experimenting with jQuery, and have found that the jQuery works great on initial Page_Load(), but if there's a postback, all functionality ceases. Any ideas? Sorry if this exceeds the scope of this blog.


Rick Strahl
December 23, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@Chris - there's no reason why things should work any different after a postback. Check for errors in your page using Firebug.

December 30, 2008

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

When using the $.ajax() or $.load() functions to load in a .aspx page, it bombs when certain .net controls are placed on it. I have a page that has a few label controls and a repeater and it loads fine with those. But once I add something like a GridView or a TextBox control, it errors. Any ideas?


January 05, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

The article rocks and I very much appreciate your time on this. Your methods of explanation are outstanding, short and to the point.

I must say I was quite disappointed to get the code and find I need Sql 2008 to use it. I will still learn from it but not near as easily. It would be nice in the future to try and keep sample code usable by the majority and not littered with other new technologies.

Rick Strahl
January 05, 2009

# re: SQL Server 2005 Support

@Mike - I've added a SQL Packager file (wcfAjax.exe) for the database into the APP_DATA directory. If somebody can try this out and see if this works for getting a workable SQL 2005 database, please leave some feedback here. I currently don't have SQL 2005 installed as I'm travelling, so I have no easy way of testing this...

January 05, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

hi rick,

thanks for the great article and accompanying sample projects. i am learning a lot from this.

i think you have mentioned in one of your blog that JSON.net has option to configure settings one being handling recursion loop. wouldn't it be great to have it in your WestwindJsonSerializer as well?

i was playing with it and ran into StackOverflow exception. it was coz i have two objects that has reference to each other.

appreciate your contribution to the community and keep up the good work!


Rick Strahl
January 06, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@k03123 - yes I know about that problem and I actually just last night set out to fix the recursive reference issue. Recursive references now are set to null if the object in the current branch have already been serialized higher up in the hierarchy.

I haven't updated this yet, but it should show up in the repository for the jQueryControls in a bit.

January 06, 2009

# Sql Packager File


Wow, your on top of things. It seems the demo code ZIP hasn't changed, is there somewhere else to look for the wcfAjax.exe file that I am not aware of.

Rick Strahl
January 06, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

@Mike - It's in the zip file in jqueryweb\app_data\wcfAjax.exe

January 07, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

It is not in the "http://www.west-wind.com/files/conferences/jQuery.zip" file or I am somehow doing something stupid?

Amin Sayed
January 13, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Hi Rick,
Thanks for such wonderful articles.
I'm stuck up with a problem. I need to fill an empty DropDown List with the values from Database( thereby calling ASP.NET Page methods through jQuery) when user clicks on it. Currently $("#DropDown").click() is being successfully called, but when I'm using $.ajax method inside this function to call ASP.NET Page methods it doesn't work. Please provide your useful inputs for this.
Thanks & Regards,
Amin Sayed.

February 21, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Hello Rick. As always, this article is great. I've read parts one and two a dozen times. Very helpful. I've created a project that combines both the C# and Java versions of YUICompressor where the user can select which version to use. I've noticed that when I compress jQuery, the header (version, credits, copyright) remain after compression; while with ww.jquery.js, et al. the header is removed. I've determined that if you comment your header in the following format, the header will remain once the compression is complete. Manually deleting the header is obviously not a barrier; however, your code still deserves to have the header intact post compression. I think the trick is the '!' on the first line of comments. Hope that you find this useful, and thanks for all you support to the community. Peace... -Dan
* ww.jQuery.js  
* West Wind jQuery plug-ins and utilities
* Copyright (c) 2008 Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies 
* www.west-wind.com
* Licensed under MIT License
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
* Version 0.90.672 - 12/01/08

March 06, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted


I have validation.js and AJAX UpdatePanel to download a file on the server. As soon as I upload the file the page is broken- doc.ready () is not firing again I think and my validation rules error. How do I fix this?

March 06, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

You are one of my favorite bloggers.
Thank you for your hard work.

March 17, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

I come across your blog often when I'm looking for something cool.

March 18, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted


You have some great articles which I enjoy reading about. I wonder if youcn help me.

I have 3 HTML checkboxes which are programmed via jQuery click() event so that when a checkbox is clicked it's value is returned through the .ajax() call into my aspx page.

The aspx page uses this value in one of my database methods to get a datatable of results for this value. I then assign this to my GridView control through .DataSource and bind the data using .DataBind().

But nothing happens. I have debugged the code and the call to the database was successful and I can see the data in the DataTable.

When I use this DataTable to create an HTML table it works. But is there anyway that I can get to populate the GridView control?

March 29, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

One thing seems to always be missing from the demos. It is code that allows use of jquery to page through dataset info.

I'm hopeful of seeing a demo, perhaps using Northwind, of something like the ability to page through products, one or more products at a time, where users with javascript enabled get the ajax response via json (with history), and those without javascript automatically get a normal url page refresh.

I've been looking for such a demo for MVC but not found anything. I did find a jquery plugin call Ajaxify that does such paging but would prefer to see some code from MS.

prabhjot singh
April 16, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

hi there,

I want to call a jquery function from my .cs page. I have made a plugin called jquery.xyz.js.
I have registered it on my aspx page. i have made a function in this plugin as follows :

$.extend($.fn, {
SelectMenuProcess: function(MainElemID) {
return this.each(function() {
document.getElementById("check").className = "section-" + MainElemID;



Iam calling this function from the .cs page as follows:

this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page.GetType(), "startup", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">SelectMenuProcess('" + Request["Tab"] + "');</script>");

When i execute this code, firebug shows error ie "SelectMenuProcess" is undefined.
I going wrong in plugin formation. Can you please help. i have gone through several articles like: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring etc


May 21, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Thanks Rick,

This article is very good!!!


June 09, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Hi Rick,

Thanks buddy, these are great articles with regards to JQuery and ASP.NET.

A mate of mine had said to me that after using JQuery and ASP.NET together, it changed his entire view on ASP.NET and i think these articles will enable me understand better how the 2 come together. Thank you



June 26, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

does anybody try to get book items when no book item is available after all items been deleted. it's "length cannot be less than zero." error show up."

is it possible to return empty list rather than null value coz null value returned causes onerror method to be triggred on client side.

Dinesh Kumar Mandal
August 29, 2009

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

I read both the articles: Part 1 & 2. I must confess these are the best reference articles on ASP.Net with jQuery. Great work....!

February 23, 2010

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

If I know I am using unique IDs I like to use the jQuery attribute "ends with" selector $('[id*=MY_ID]') - really this is only useful if you are making truly unique IDs.

Hopefully this is useful to some :)

February 26, 2010

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

You are awesome ... great work done

June 23, 2010

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Thank you, Rick.
I spent whole day to search jquery with asp.net sample and article, yours is the top one.
From here, I'll start to learn jquery.
I downloaded zip file from www.west-wind.com/files/conferences/jQuery.zip.
There are no PhotoAlbum and WcfAjax two projects.
Where to download PhotoAlbum and WcfAjax two projects?

July 28, 2010

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Super Cool!!!

I have always found your blogs helpful.
I was looking for JQuery Templating stuff and again found yours to be the best.
Keep up the good work.
Good stuff!!

September 21, 2010

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

I used the information from your article today to grab an html string from a page so that it could be used to output a pdf using MVC. Thanks for posting this information. I have you used your pages several other times in the past.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        $(this).ready(function() {
            $("#GetPdf").click(function() {
            theHtml = $("html").html()
                $.download('<%= Url.Action("AgreementDetailsPdfReport","Reports") %>', { filename: "AgreementDetails", format: "pdf", html_: theHtml }, "post");

Pete Wojtkowiak
October 20, 2010

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Freaking fabulously well-written. Thanks a million for your efforts. It has helped me to finally "get it"! I have been a JS hater for a long time and this will bridge the divide for me.

January 24, 2011

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Hi Rick, I'm stuck with this getJSON() and can't get it working properly, I followed your instructions but...
Here's my code,
Server Side:
public void GetClient(Guid clientId)
InformationEntities context = new InformationEntities();
var query = from c in context.Clients
where c.ClientID == clientId
select new {
System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer ser = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();

String res = ser.Serialize(query);
Response.ContentType = "application/json";

Client Side:
function PopulateFormFields(){
$.getJSON("EditClient.aspx",{clientId:qs}, function(data){

The page on response just tries to save the returned JSON object :'(
Can't figure out what is wrong, can you have a look?


June 21, 2012

# re: jQuery and ASP.NET Article Part 2 Posted

Hi Rick,

Great Articles. Will be great if u can the link to3rd article

West Wind  © Rick Strahl, West Wind Technologies, 2005 - 2025