Help Builder Support

If you run into issues with Help Builder or you have suggestions on how to improve this product, we'd love to hear from you. We have two separate avenues for support issues:

  • Bug Reports and Feature Suggestions
    Use the GitHub repo for formal issue tracking of bug reports and feature suggestions. This avenue is meant for actionable tasks for us to address, so please keep issues concise and focused on actionable tasks.

  • Help Builder Support Forum
    If you have Help Builder questions about how to do something in Help Builder, about how a feature works, want to discuss a new feature before submitting it, or any general usage or use case discussions, please use our Free Support Forum.

    It's is a free form discussion area where you can ask any question and interact with the authors and other users. Signing up is quick and easy: All you need is a display name and a valid email address that can be validated. It only takes a literal minute.

  • Paid Support
    Hopefully this should be rare, but if you have issues that can't be resolved with the above avenues you can also contact us directly for paid support and work directly with you on solving any issues you might have with Help Builder by phone or via online meeting software.

We Value your Feedback!

Above all we really value your feedback, so please don't be shy and use either of these tools to provide feedback. We know your time is valuable, and we really appreciate when you take the time to share your experiences - or frustrations - to help us build a better product for you and for ourselves.

Thank you!

© West Wind Techologies, 1996-2023 • Updated: 03/22/19
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