wrong key generated in wwDbResourceControl using meta:resourcekey
Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. wrong key generated in wwDbResourceControl using meta:resourcekey
  Aug 29, 2014 @ 01:07am

First of all a very big compliment for this awesome project! Unfortunately I got one problem using the wwDbResourceControl for real-time editing the resource texts in my project.

I got something like this:

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowOnStartPage" runat="server" meta:resourcekey="lblShowOnStartPage" />

then i added some text and importet everything in db and reloaded the resources.

Now if i want to edit it in real time the meta:resourcekey is not correctly applied in the js snippet:

<img title="chkShowOnStartPage" style="margin-left:3px;border:none;" onclick="OnLocalization(event,'chkShowOnStartPage','myAccount/Admin/ProductPackageDetail.aspx','Text');" src="/UI.Web.Frontend/WebResource.axd?d=ecgPi3GMGccsspKMXIi4RkW5b9jLnPh-pvgMV-FFucSgszmiFx44fAqb_U8Tz8gyeTaqSIBfLA5wdH-BJLxjNo_T_kNOw29EdRpXdm_9P82PEfRYpvtE60IK_4gDvIVDYUPXrBbIXvh6Zm2Bgbt75bN-3vc4XU1ZDiNT5wY06yEExSbP0&amp;t=635448335818149312">

I think the OnLocalization function has to be (event, 'lblShowOnStartPage'), isn't it?
Is this a configuration error?
How can i solve that?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards


Gravatar is a globally recognized avatar based on your email address. Re: wrong key generated in wwDbResourceControl using meta:resourcekey
  Rick Strahl
  Sep 2, 2014 @ 03:34pm

Unfortunately that's a limitation of the provider as the the generation of the click event keys is always tied to the control, not what you have in the meta:resourceKey. The problem is that ASP.NET doesn't expose the resource key attribute to iteration, so AFAIR there's no way to actually retrieve that key. Currently the lookup is done on the control ID and the extra code is assigned to that control.

+++ Rick ---


First of all a very big compliment for this awesome project! Unfortunately I got one problem using the wwDbResourceControl for real-time editing the resource texts in my project.

I got something like this:

<asp:CheckBox ID="chkShowOnStartPage" runat="server" meta:resourcekey="lblShowOnStartPage" />

then i added some text and importet everything in db and reloaded the resources.

Now if i want to edit it in real time the meta:resourcekey is not correctly applied in the js snippet:

<img title="chkShowOnStartPage" style="margin-left:3px;border:none;" onclick="OnLocalization(event,'chkShowOnStartPage','myAccount/Admin/ProductPackageDetail.aspx','Text');" src="/UI.Web.Frontend/WebResource.axd?d=ecgPi3GMGccsspKMXIi4RkW5b9jLnPh-pvgMV-FFucSgszmiFx44fAqb_U8Tz8gyeTaqSIBfLA5wdH-BJLxjNo_T_kNOw29EdRpXdm_9P82PEfRYpvtE60IK_4gDvIVDYUPXrBbIXvh6Zm2Bgbt75bN-3vc4XU1ZDiNT5wY06yEExSbP0&amp;t=635448335818149312">

I think the OnLocalization function has to be (event, 'lblShowOnStartPage'), isn't it?
Is this a configuration error?
How can i solve that?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards


Rick Strahl
West Wind Technologies

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