Using HostContainers for Cached Templates

Host Containers wrap the basic RazorEngine by providing automatic caching for templates, automatic template change detection and the ability to optionally run the Razor templates in a separate AppDomain.

There are two provided HostContainers:

  • RazorStringHostContainer
    Renders templates from strings. Templates are cached based on the template's text.

  • RazorFolderHostContainer
    Renders templates from the file system by pointing at a template on disk. Templates are cached based on file timestamps. Folder hosted templates support Partial Layout and Layout pages.

HostContainers are meant to be Reused!

HostContainers are meant to be reused, so you typically instantiate it once, then hang on to the reference and reuse it for subsequent requests. The template cache is associated with an instance so in order to get the caching benefit the instance needs to stay alive.


StringHostContainer executes templates from string, but caches the compiled templates based on the template's content. IOW, running the same exact template twice will automatically compile on the first run, and use the cached version on the second and subsequent runs. As long as the the template string is identical the cached assembly is used.

To run the string host container:

var host = new RazorStringHostContainer();

//host.UseAppDomain = true; 
// add model assembly - ie. this assembly
// must start the host container
// Create a model to pass in
Person person = new Person()
    Name = "Rick",
    Company = "West Wind",
    Entered = DateTime.Now,
    Address = new Address()
        Street = "32 Kaiea",
        City = "Paia"

// create a template to render
string template = @"@inherits Westwind.RazorTemplateBase<RazorHostingTests.Person>
<b>@Model.Name of @Model.Company entered on @Model.Entered";
// Render the actual template and pass the model
string result = host.RenderTemplate(string,person);

if (result == null)

// shut down the host            

// Hosts also implement IDisposable to Stop

With a host container you typically will run many requests between the Start() and Stop() operations.


The RazorFolderHostContainer can be used to point to a folder on disk and treat it like a virtual directory for rendering templates from disk. Templates are loaded based on a virtual path (~/page.cshtml and ~/sub/page.cshtml) relative to the base folder, and support usage for subpages via @RenderPartial() and layout pages via the Layout property.

To run folder host templates:

var host = new RazorFolderHostContainer();

// must specify the base path ('Virtual' root path) for templates
host.TemplatePath = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\FileTemplates\");

// point at the folder where dependent assemblies can be found
// this applies only to separate AppDomain hosting
host.BaseBinaryFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

// add model assembly - ie. this assembly

host.UseAppDomain = true;
//host.Configuration.CompileToMemory = true;
//host.Configuration.TempAssemblyPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

// Always must start the host

// create a model to pass
Person person = new Person()
	Name = "Rick",
	Company = "West Wind",
	Entered = DateTime.Now,
	Address = new Address()
		Street = "32 Kaiea",
		City = "Paia"

// render a template and pass the model
string result = host.RenderTemplate("~/HelloWorld.cshtml", person);



if (result == null)

Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains("West Wind"));

where the template might look like this:

@inherits RazorTemplateFolderHost<RazorHostingTests.Person>
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8" />

	@Model.Name @Model.Company @Model.Address.City @Model.Entered 
	@{for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
			Response.WriteLine(i + ".");

	You can also render nested templates from string
	@RenderTemplate("Child Template rendered from String. Name: @Model.Name",Model) 


Note that you can render partials, by specifying the virtual path for the partial relative to the to TemplateBasePath specified.


Rendering Layout Pages

You can also use Layout pages with the RazorFolderHostContainer by specifying the Layout property in your view/template.

@inherits Westwind.RazorHosting.RazorTemplateFolderHost<RazorHostingTests.Person>
    Layout = "~/_Layout.cshtml"
<h3>Hello @Model.Firstname</h3>
this is my page content rendered at @DateTime.Now.

The View Page then:

@inherits Westwind.RazorHosting.RazorTemplateFolderHost<RazorHostingTests.Person>

<h1>Layout Page Header</h1>
<hr />


&copy; West Wind Technologies, 2010-@DateTime.Now.Year

Note that you should use the same model your are passing to the content page as a parameter in the layout page - if you plan on accessing model content.

Html Helpers

You can also use HTML Helpers in your Razor views:

@helper WriteBlockText(string text)
    <b>*** @text ***</b>

Helper output: @WriteBlockText("Help me!");

© West Wind Technologies, 2018 • Updated: 05/29/17
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