Razor Hosting Engine that allows execution of Razor templates outside of ASP.NET. You can execute templates from string or a textreader and output to string or a text reader.
This implementation only supports C#.
public class RazorEngine<TBaseTemplateType> : MarshalByRefObject
Class Members
Member | Description | |
Constructor |
Creates an instance of the host and performs basic configuration Optionally pass in any required namespaces and assemblies by name |
AddAssembly |
Method to add assemblies to the referenced assembly list. Use the DLL name or strongly typed name. Assembly added HAS to be accessible via GAC or in bin/privatebin path public void AddAssembly(string assemblyPath, String[] additionalAssemblies) |
AddAssemblyFromType |
Adds an assembly to the Referenced assemblies based on a type reference. Useful to add the 'host' assembly and model types. public void AddAssemblyFromType(Type type) public void AddAssemblyFromType(object instance) |
AddNamespace |
Method to add namespaces to the compiled code. Add namespaces to minimize explicit namespace requirements in your Razor template code. Make sure that any required assemblies are loaded first. public void AddNamespace(string ns, String[] additionalNamespaces) public void AddNamespace(String[] additionalNamespaces) |
CompileTemplate |
Parses and compiles a markup template into an assembly and returns an assembly name. The name is an ID that can be passed to ExecuteTemplateByAssembly which picks up a cached instance of the loaded assembly. public string CompileTemplate(TextReader templateReader, string generatedNamespace, string generatedClassName) public string CompileTemplate(string templateText, string generatedNamespace, string generatedClassName) |
GetAssemblyFromId |
Allows retrieval of an Assembly cached internally by its id returned from ParseAndCompileTemplate. Useful if you want to write an assembly to disk for later activation public Assembly GetAssemblyFromId(string assemblyId) |
InitializeLifetimeService |
Override to allow indefinite lifetime - no unloading public virtual object InitializeLifetimeService() |
RenderTemplate |
Execute a template based on a TextReader input into a provided TextWriter object. public string RenderTemplate(TextReader templateSourceReader, object model, TextWriter outputWriter) public string RenderTemplate(string templateText, object model, TextWriter outputWriter, bool inferModelType) |
RenderTemplateFromAssembly |
Executes a template based on a previously compiled and cached assembly reference. This effectively allows you to cache an assembly. public string RenderTemplateFromAssembly(string assemblyId, object model, TextWriter outputWriter, string generatedNamespace, string generatedClass) |
SetError |
Sets error information consistently public void SetError(string message) public void SetError() |
Configuration |
Holds Razor Configuration Properties |
ErrorMessage |
Any errors that occurred during template execution |
HostContainer |
Provide a reference to a RazorHost container so that it can be passed to a template. This may be null, but if a container is available this value is set and passed on to the template as HostContainer. |
LastException |
LastGeneratedCode |
Last generated output |
LastResultData |
Allows retrieval of the template's ResultData property to be retrieved from the last request. |
TemplatePerRequestConfigurationData |
A property that holds any per request configuration data that is to be passed to the template. This object is passed to InitializeTemplate after the instance was created. This object must be serializable. This object should be set on every request and cleared out after each request |
Namespace: Westwind.RazorHostingAssembly: westwind.razorhosting.dll
© West Wind Technologies, 2018 • Updated: 06/07/18
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