Namespace Westwind.Web.Controls

This topic tree describes the Westwind.Web.Controls namespace.

  AjaxMethodCallback The AjaxMethodCallback control provides an easy mechanism for making page or control level method callbacks from an HTML page. Working with both client side and server side logic you can make remote method calls from the client using two-way JSON serialization to access server side content from client pages. Methods are mapped from server to the client with an optional client proxy class that allows making direct method calls to the server.
  CallbackException Special return type used to indicate that an exception was fired on the server. This object is JSON serialized and the client can check for Result.IsCallbackError to see if a a failure occured on the server.
  CallbackHandler CallbackHandler is an Http Handler base class that allows you to create a class with methods marked up with a [CallbackMethod] attribute which are then exposed for remote execution. The handler routes the to the methods and executes the call and returns the results - or any errors - as JSON strings. To use this service you need to create an HttpHandler (either .ASHX or a class registered in web.config's httpHandler section) and then add
  CallbackMethodAttribute Marker Attribute to be used on Callback methods. Signals parser that the method is allowed to be executed remotely
  ClientScriptProxy This is a proxy object for the Page.ClientScript and MS Ajax ScriptManager object that can operate when MS Ajax when present otherwise falling back to Page.ClientScript. Because MS Ajax may not be available accessing the methods directly is not possible and we are required to indirectly reference client script methods through this class. This class should be invoked at the Control's start up and be used to replace all calls
  ControlResources is used as to consolidate access to resources
  DragPanel A draggable Panel control that can be dragged around the current browser window. Dragging is supported for the panel and initiated through a drag handle control - a control that is contained in the window and acts as the draggable hot spot that initiates dragging. You can also make the Panel itself the drag handle. The control can also optionally display a close button that allows hiding the control by changing its client side visibility.
  ErrorDisplay The wwErrorDisplay control provides a simple mechanism for displaying error and status messages in an easy to use, attractive and reusable control. The class includes several ways to do display data (ShowError, ShowMessage) as well as direct assignment to the .Text property which allows direct display of content. Assigning to .Text and with a UserMessage set:
  HoverPanel The wwHoverPanel class provides an easy to use base AJAX control that allows quick access to server side content from a URL and embed it into the control's content. The control provides various visual customization aspects from shadows, transparency, the ability to drag it around and close it as well as pop up and auto hide. The most prominent feature of this control is to provide auto-popup functionality that shows context sensitive
  JavaScriptMinifier JavaScript minifier strips white space and comments from JavaScript code. Based on Douglas Crockford's JavaScript Minifier with some modification to support string and StreamReader conversions. This class can minify strings in memory or files and entire directories of disk files. The MinifyDirectory() method can be used in the build process for VS or can easily be used at application startup to automatically create minified script files
  jQueryDatePicker ASP.NET jQuery DatePicker Control Wrapper by Rick Strahl License: Free based on jQuery UI DatePicker client control by Marc Grabanski Simple DatePicker control that uses jQuery UI DatePicker to pop up a date picker. Important Requirements: scripts/jquery.js scripts/ui.datepicker.js scripts/ui.datepicker.css Resources are embedded into the assembly so you don't
  JsonCallbackMethodProcessor This is the core implementation of the JSON callback method handler that picks up POST data from the request and uses it to call the actual callback method on the specified object and return the results back as JSON. This processor is generic and can be used easily from anywhere that needs to feed back JSON data from a method callback, simply calling the ProcessCallbackMethod() with an object that contains methods that are marked up with the
  ModalDialog This control allows creating client side pop up window that blocks out the background and brings a dialog to the foreground. This control can be used to replace ugly alert or prompt boxes to pop up rich dialogs that must be edited modally. Any dialog can be popped up like this. The background can be just an opaque color with a transparency value - the default is black at 70% for example which gives a grey looking overlay - or can be a
  ScriptCompressionModule Module that handles compression of JavaScript resources using GZip and script optimization that strips comments and extra whitespace. This module should be used in conjunction with ClientScriptProxy.RegisterClientScriptResource which sets up the proper URL formatting required for this module to handle requests. Format is: wwScriptCompression.ashx?r=ResourceName&t=FullAssemblyName The type parameter can be omitted if the resource
  ScriptContainer that provides script embedding functionality to ASP.NET pages. Features include the ability to use ResolveUrl style src urls to place script includes inline (to the control), in the Header or using standard ASP.NET ClientScript or ScriptManager. The control can also optimize scripts if a .min.js script file is available by using the AllowMinScript property on the script. The purpose of this control is to provide Intellisense compatible
  ScriptContainerDesigner Control designer used so we get a grey button display instead of the default label display for the control.
  ScriptItem Individual Script Item used inside of a script container. This control maps syntax of the standard HTML script tag and ads a number of additional properties that are specific to script generation. Note there's no Intellisense on this child item as it is rendered as an HtmlGenericControl and parsed into this object. Hence the properties below must be manually typed in and are not visible to Intellisense.
  ScriptVariables Provides an easy way for server code to publish strings into client script code. This object basically provides a mechanism for adding key value pairs and embedding those values into an object that is hosted on the client. This component supports:
  WebResourceCacheItem Item stored in the cache
  ScriptRenderModes Determines how scripts are included into the page
  ICallbackMethodProcessor Inteface that defines the Callback operations for handling method callbacks on the server. This interface serves as an abstraction for potentially different implementations that use XML instead of JSON.

  Last Updated: 12/3/2008 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008