Class TranslationServices

Provides basic translation features via several Web interfaces.

Supported services currently include Google Translation and Yahoo/BabelFish. Both services are HTML services and both are accessed via HTML screen scraping.

NOTE: These services may change their format or otherwise fail.


public class TranslationServices : object

Class Members

TranslateBabelFish Translates a string using Yahoo's Babel fish service.
public string TranslateBabelFish( string Text,
string FromCulture,
string ToCulture );
TranslateGoogle Translates a string into another language using Google's Translation Pages.
public string TranslateGoogle( string Text,
string FromCulture,
string ToCulture );
ErrorMessage Error message set when an error occurs in the translation service
TimeoutSeconds Timeout for how long to wait for a translation.


Namespace: Westwind.Globalization
Assembly: westwind.globalization.dll

  Last Updated: 3/10/2008 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008