Class wwDbResourceConfiguration

The configuration class that is used to configure the Resource Provider. This class contains various configuration settings that the provider requires to operate both at design time and runtime.

The application uses the static Current property to access the actual configuration settings object. By default it reads the configuration settings from web.config (at runtime). You can override this behavior by creating your own configuration object and assigning it to the wwDbResourceConfiguration.Current property.


public class wwDbResourceConfiguration : object

Class Members

Constructor Base constructor that doesn't do anything to the default values.
Current A global instance of the current configuration. By default this instance reads its configuration values from web.config at runtime, but it can be overridden to assign specific values or completely replace this object.
ClearResourceCache This static method clears all resources from the loaded Resource Providers and forces them to be reloaded the next time they are requested.
public static void ClearResourceCache()
ReadConfigurationSection Reads the wwDbResourceProvider Configuration Section and assigns the values to the properties of this class
public bool ReadConfigurationSection();
ReadDesignTimeConfiguration Handle design time access to the configuration settings - used for the wwDbDesignTimeResourceProvider - when loaded we re-read the settings
public bool ReadDesignTimeConfiguration( IServiceProvider serviceProvider );
StripVirtualPath Used to strip of the virtual path of Local ResourceSet paths.
public string StripVirtualPath( string FullVirtualPath );
AddMissingResources Determines whether any resources that are not found are automatically added to the resource file.
ConnectionString Database connection string to the resource data.
DesignTimeVirtualPath The virtual path for the Web application. This value is used at design time.
LocalizationFormWebPath Determines the location of the Localization form in a Web relative path. This form is popped up when clicking on Edit Resources in the wwDbResourceControl
ResourceTableName Database table name used in the database
ShowControlIcons Determines whether page controls show icons when a wwDbResourceControl is active. Note requires that ShowLocalizationControlOptions is true as well.
ShowLocalizationControlOptions Determines whether the wwDbResourceControl shows its localization options on the page.
StronglyTypedGlobalResource Path and Name space of an optionally generated strongly typed resource which is created when exporting to ResX resources.
UseVsNetResourceNaming Determines whether generated Resource names use the same syntax as VS.Net uses. Defaults to false, which uses simple control name syntax (no ResourceX value) if possible. The dfeault value is shown without a number and numbers are only used on duplication.


Namespace: Westwind.Globalization
Assembly: westwind.globalization.dll

  Last Updated: 7/31/2007 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008