Class wwDbResourceManager

This class provides a databased implementation of a ResourceManager.

A ResourceManager holds each of the ResourceSets for a given group of resources. In ResX files a group is a file group wiht the same name (ie. Resources.resx, Resources.en.resx, In this database driven provider the group is determined by the ResourceSet and the LocaleId as stored in the database. This class is instantiated and gets passed both of these values for identity.

An application can have many ResourceManagers - one for each localized page and one for each global resource with each hold multiple resourcesets for each of the locale's that are part of that resourceSet.

This class implements only the GetInternalResourceSet method to provide the ResourceSet from a database. It also implements all the base class constructors and captures only the BaseName which is the name of the ResourceSet (ie. a global or local resource group)

Dependencies: wwDbResourceDataManager for data access wwDbResourceConfiguration which holds and reads config settings

wwDbResourceSet wwDbResourceReader


public class wwDbResourceManager : ResourceManager

Class Members

Constructor Constructs a DbResourceManager object


Namespace: Westwind.Globalization
Assembly: westwind.globalization.dll

  Last Updated: 7/31/2007 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008