Class wwDbResourceReader

wwDbResourceReader is an IResourceReader for reading resources from a database. The ResourceReader is the actual Resource component that accesses the underlying datasource to retrieve the resource data.

This databased manager uses the wwDbResourceDataManager to query the database and retrieve a list of resources for a given baseName (ResourceSet) and Culture and returns that result as an IEnumerable list (via a HashTable). This process - other than the data access - results in the same structures as resources read from ResX files.


public class wwDbResourceReader : object, IResourceReader,

Class Members

Constructor Core constructor for wwDbResourceReader. This ctor is passed the name of the ResourceSet and a culture that is to be loaded.
Close Closes the resource reader after releasing any resources associated with it
public sealed void Close();
Dispose Releases all resources used by the object. Ultimately this is called by ResourceManager.ReleaseAllResources which calls on the ResourceSet and then down into the reader to close its resources.
public sealed void Dispose();
GetEnumerator This is the worker method responsible for actually retrieving resources from the resource store. This method goes out queries the database by asking for a specific ResourceSet and Culture and it returns a Hashtable (as IEnumerable) to use as a ResourceSet.
public sealed IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator();


Namespace: Westwind.Globalization
Assembly: westwind.globalization.dll

  Last Updated: 10/29/2006 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008