Class wwDbResourceSet

wwDbResourceSet is the ResourceSet implementation for the database driven Resource manager. A ResourceSet is a IEnumerable list of all resources in set for a given specific culture. Each culture has a separate resource set. The ResourceManager caches the ResourceSets and figures out how to return the resources from this ResourceSet using the IEnumerable interface.

The ResourceSet doesn't do any work - it serves merely as a coordinator. The actual reading of resources is managed by the ResourceReader which eventually calls into the database to retrieve the resources for the ResourceSet.


public class wwDbResourceSet : ResourceSet

Class Members

Constructor Core constructore. Gets passed a baseName (which is the ResourceSet Id - either a local or global resource group) and a culture.
GetDefaultReader Marker method that provides the type used for the ResourceReader. Not used.
public virtual Type GetDefaultReader();
GetDefaultWriter Marker method that provides the type used for a ResourceWriter. Not used.
public virtual Type GetDefaultWriter();


Namespace: Westwind.Globalization
Assembly: westwind.globalization.dll

  Last Updated: 7/31/2007 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008