Class wwDbResXExporter

This class can be used to export resources from the database to ASP.NET compatible resources (Resx). This class takes all the resources in the database and creates RESX files that match these resources.

Please note that it will overrwrite any existing resource files if they already exist, so please use this class with care if you have existing ResX resources.


public class wwDbResXExporter : object

Class Members

FormatResourceSetPath Translates the resource set path to a system path based on the base virutal and output paths.
public string FormatResourceSetPath( string ResourceSet,
bool LocalResources );
GenerateResXFiles Work method that goes through the database resources and dumps them into resource files. Note - will overwrite existing files.
public bool GenerateResXFiles( bool LocalResources );
WebPhysicalPath The physical path of the Web application. This path serves as the root path to write resources to.


Namespace: Westwind.Globalization
Assembly: westwind.globalization.dll

  Last Updated: 10/29/2006 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008