Installing the Westwind.Globalization assembly

wwDbResourceProvider provides the Resource Provider interface and a host of support services in a single assembly. This assembly is fully self contained and has no external dependencies. The Administration interface that allows ASP.NET applications to edit resources in the database however, requires further assemblies and installation of the appropriate ASP.NET files in your ASP.NET application.

wwDbResourceProvider.dll Assembly

The Westwind.Globalization.dll assembly is provided as an unsigned assembly that you can simply copy into your BIN directory of your Web directory for installation. It is fully self-contained to provider the resource provider functionality.

Since source code is provided you are free to recompile sign the assembly and deploy it in the GAC. Running from the GAC simplifies a few permission related issues such as using Reflection and resetting the application, but it is not required.

ASP.NET Resource Administration Interface

The resource administration interface is shipped as a directory of ASPX and source files that you can deploy within your Web site. You simply create a folder anywhere in your site with a name of your choice and copy the ASPX files, source files and resources into this folder.

Once you have created the folder use the Resource Provider Configuration in web.config to indicate the virtual path to the administration form. The setting is in the wwDbResourceProvider section. For example:


This setting is used by the wwDbResourceControl server control that can be dropped on any ASP.NET form to properly generate the resource editing links to find the admin form and properly navigate to the context sensitive content.

The Administration interface also requires a couple of extra assemblies to provide the AJAX interface and various utility features use by the control forms. To run the admin interface you need:

The controls library is used to provide the AJAX functionality a few other controls to the Administration interface.

There's more information on copying and configuring the resource directory outlined here.

Please note that the sample application also utilizes Westwind.BusinessObjects.dll which is not required for anything but the demos. It won't be required for your own applications.

See also

The Resource Administration Form

  Last Updated: 7/15/2007 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008