Creating the Database

The wwDbResourceProvider works with a Sql Server (2000 or 2005) Database table and this table must be created in the database. The first step is to ensure that you have set up a connection string for the provider in the web.config Resource Provider configuration. This connection string should point at the database where your Resource table will be created.

The Administration form has an option to allow you to create the table if it doesn't exist and it's the easiest way to create the table in the database.

In order to create the table the connection string specified in the configuration section must have rights to create a table in the database.

With those same permission requirements in mind you can also create the database using code:

wwDbResourceDataManager Data = new wwDbResourceDataManager(); bool Result = Data.CreateLocalizationTable("Localizations");

Finally you can also manually create the table with the following script:

SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO CREATE TABLE [Localizations] ( [pk] int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), [ResourceId] nvarchar(512) NOT NULL, [Value] ntext NOT NULL, [LocaleId] varchar(5) NOT NULL, [ResourceSet] nvarchar(512) NOT NULL, [Type] nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, [BinFile] image NULL, [TextFile] ntext NULL, [Filename] nvarchar(128) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [Localizations] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Localizations] PRIMARY KEY ([pk]) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [Localizations] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Localizations_ControlId] DEFAULT ('') FOR [ResourceId] GO ALTER TABLE [Localizations] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Localizations_Filename] DEFAULT ('') FOR [Filename] GO ALTER TABLE [Localizations] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Localizations_LocaleId] DEFAULT ('') FOR [LocaleId] GO ALTER TABLE [Localizations] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Localizations_PageId] DEFAULT ('') FOR [ResourceSet] GO ALTER TABLE [Localizations] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Localizations_Text] DEFAULT ('') FOR [Value] GO ALTER TABLE [Localizations] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Localizations_Type] DEFAULT ('') FOR [Type] GO

If necessary replace the table name (Localizations) with a name for your specific table.

Once the database is configured you should be ready to start using the resource provider.

  Last Updated: 7/16/2007 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008