Class CallbackMethodProcessorHelper

This class provides helper services to the CallbackProcessor classes with the generic services that deal with method execution and parsing POST parameters which should be independent of the specific implementation (JSON, XML etc.).

Extracted here so other Callback Processors can be created more easily later on, using other request formats (Xml etc.)


public class CallbackMethodProcessorHelper : object

Class Members

ExecuteMethod Executes the requested method. converts the String parameters to the proper types for execution.
public object ExecuteMethod( string Method,
ArrayList ParameterList,
object target );
ProcessPostParameters Handle parsing of the POST/Query string data Parameters are passed as follows:
public void ProcessPostParameters( ArrayList parameterList,
ref string methodToCall );


Namespace: Westwind.Web.Controls
Assembly: westwind.ajaxtoolkit.dll

  Last Updated: 2/21/2008 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008