How ScriptVariables works

Provides an easy way for server code to publish .NET values into JavaScript script code as an encapsulated object. This object basically provides a mechanism for adding key value pairs and embedding
those values into an object that is hosted on the client. Optionally the client values can update the server code on a postback.

To create a client object with server variables you can use this basic code:

// *** Specify page instance and optional name of the client object ScriptVariables scriptVars = new ScriptVariables(this,"serverVars"); // *** Add any values static or dynamic scriptVars.Add("name", "Rick Strahl"); scriptVars.Add("company", "Rick's \"East\\West\" Trading"); scriptVars.Add("entered", DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10)); scriptVars.Add("counter",12.22M); // *** Add a control's value dynamically at pre render time scriptVars.AddDynamicValue("txtNameValue", this.txtName, "Text");

Which creates a client object like this:

var serverVars = { name: "Rick Strahl", company: "Rick's \"East\\West\" Trading", entered: new Date(888053450808), counter: 12.22, txtNameValue: "Rick" };

Each value added to the collection translates into a property on the generated JavaScript object. Not that you can add fixed values via .Add() and dynamic values that are evaluated pre-render time using AddDynamicValue().

You can also embed client script ids into the page as follows:

// *** Add all Client Ids - note this may cause naming conflicts on duplicate names// *** in separate naming containers. First one wins!scriptVars.AddClientIds(this,true);

which results in the following generated client ids:

var serverVars = { name: "Rick Strahl", company: "Rick's \"East\\West\" Trading", entered: new Date(888054678218), counter: 12.22, txtNameValue: "Rick", headId: "ctl00_head", form1Id: "aspnetForm", ContentId: "ctl00_Content", txtNameId: "ctl00_Content_txtName", btnSubmitId: "ctl00_Content_btnSubmit", panel1Id: "ctl00_Content_panel1", txtPanelTextBoxId: "ctl00_Content_txtPanelTextBox", repListId: "ctl00_Content_repList", gdvTestId: "ctl00_Content_gdvTest" };

In this example recursive Ids are generated, but you can also specify a specific container and no-recursion to minimize naming conflicts and proliferation of variables.

Updating Server Variables from the Client

The control also supports POSTing the updated values and optional statebag to the server in a Postback. To do this specify an UpdateMode other than None:

ScriptVariables scriptVars = new ScriptVariables(this,"serverVars"); scriptVars.UpdateMode = AllowUpdateTypes.All; // *** Add any values static or dynamic scriptVars.Add("name", "Rick Strahl"); scriptVars.Add("company", "Rick's \"East\\West\" Trading"); scriptVars.Add("entered", DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10)); scriptVars.Add("counter",12.22M); // *** Read back values assigned to the client object if (this.IsPostBack) { Response.Write(scriptVars.GetValue<string>("name")); Response.Write(scriptVars.GetItemValue<string>("Custom")); Response.Write(scriptVars.GetItemValue<string>("CustomValue")); Response.Write(scriptVars.GetItemValue<DateTime>("curDate")); Response.Write(scriptVars.GetValue<DateTime>("entered")); }

Note that values are available only on Postback. Non-postback access causes an exception. On the client you can simply update the properties of the generated object or the _Items collection via .add():

// *** Update Properties to be sent back to server serverVars.entered = new Date(); = "Jimmy Johnston Jr."; // *** Update _Items 'collection' serverVars.add("Custom","Rick"); serverVars.add("CustomValue","West Wind"); serverVars.add("curDate",new Date(2001,10,1));

Property values can be read back on the server with scriptVars.GetValue<t>(property) and Items collection values with .GetItemValue<t>(key).

  Last Updated: 7/15/2008 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008