Class wwWebUtils

Summary description for wwWebUtils.


public class wwWebUtils : object

Class Members

EncodeJsDate Converts a date to a JavaScript date string in UTC format
public static string EncodeJsDate( DateTime date );
EncodeJsString Encodes a string to be represented as a string literal. The format is essentially a JSON string.
public static string EncodeJsString( string s );
FindControlRecursive Finds a Control recursively. Note finds the first match and exits
public static Control FindControlRecursive( Control Root,
string Id );

public static Control FindControlRecursive( Control Root,
string Id,
bool AlwaysUseFindControl );

GetUrlEncodedKey Retrieves a value by key from a UrlEncoded string.
public static string GetUrlEncodedKey( string UrlEncodedString,
string Key );
GRes Returns a resource string. Shortcut for HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject.
public static string GRes( string ClassKey,
string ResourceKey );

public static string GRes( string ResourceKey );

GResJs Returns a JavaScript Encoded string from a Global Resource
public static string GResJs( string ClassKey,
string ResourceKey );

public static string GResJs( string ResourceKey );

ResolveServerUrl This method returns a fully qualified absolute server Url which includes the protocol, server, port in addition to the server relative Url.
public static string ResolveServerUrl( string serverUrl,
bool forceHttps );
ResolveUrl Returns a site relative HTTP path from a partial path starting out with a ~. Same syntax that ASP.Net internally supports but this method can be used outside of the Page framework.
public static string ResolveUrl( string originalUrl );


Namespace: Westwind.Tools
Assembly: westwind.ajaxtoolkit.dll

  Last Updated: 7/7/2008 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008