Web Monitor Source Code Configuration

If you purchased Web Monitor with Source Code you receive all the C# source to to all the base projects part of Web Monitor.

Web Monitor consists of two Solutions:

  • Web Monitor Application and Service
    This solution is found in the main distribution directory. You should be able to simply click on the Web Monitor.sln file to load the project and be ready to go. This project consists of two projects: Web Monitor and Web Monitor Components, the latter of which provide the 'business' logic for the monitoring operations as well as a few utility classes.

  • Web Monitor Web Administration Front End
    This solution is found in the Web Monitor/bin/debug/WebMonitorWebService/ directory. The reason for this odd location is that in order to run the Web front end you need to have it run underneath an existing Web Monitor installation so the log and configuration files can be found.

    Configuration for the Web Project is a little more involved and described below.

Web Administration Project Configuration

This project is an ASP.Net application. You should always copy this project to a location that sits below a Web Monitor. The default sits below the Web Monitor/bin/debug directory since that were debugging usually takes place.

To use the solution project you need to install and run Web Monitor first in the base directory where you want to work with your Web Service project. The default is the Web Monitor/bin/Debug directory. Use the Configuration option, and the Create Virtual Directory option to create a virtual directory that points at your project. For more info on how this works see Create Virtual For Web Administration.

Once you've performed this step you should be able to access the Web front end through:


(or whatever domain name or IP you configured)

If this works Ok you need to perform one more step and set up the Solution file so it points at this location. If you chose the default WebMonitorWebService on localhost you won't have to change anything. If you did then you have to open and edit the WebMonitorService.sln file and change the URL used to open the solution:

Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "WebMonitorWebService", "http://localhost/WebMonitorWebService/WebMonitorWebService.csproj", "{8926952A-2986-4A9F-9A04-13495B348D79}"
	ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject

and point it at the appropriate URL to find the project file.

Once this is done you can open the project and work with it. Note that this project includes 3 helper assemblies for databinding and utilities that are not source provided (wwBusiness, wwWebControls, wwUtils). These are provided in the SupportAssemblies directories. There is no source provided since these controls are only used for UI/Databinding functionality.

© West Wind Technologies, 2018 • Updated: 03/25/08
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