Class ScriptItem

Individual Script Item used inside of a script container. This control maps syntax of the standard HTML script tag and ads a number of additional properties that are specific to script generation.

Note there's no Intellisense on this child item as it is rendered as an HtmlGenericControl and parsed into this object. Hence the properties below must be manually typed in and are not visible to Intellisense.

public class ScriptItem : object

Class Members




Determines whether script looks for optimized .min.js file in non-debug mode


Determines where in the page the script is rendered (HeaderTop,Header,Script,Inline,Inherit)


If specified loads a 'known' resource by name from resources rather than the script source. This allows using a src url for getting debugging but using a WebResource for ensuring the latest version is always used at runtime.


Resource assembly - maps to Assembly keyword


A reference to a control in the assembly that holds the resource. This is used in lieu of a type so you can specify a control that is in the same assembly. Specify an ID in markup or a reference in code.


Instead of providing the Id of a control you can also pass the type of a control/object housed in the assembly. The type is used for getting the assembly to retrieve resources from.


The src location of the file. This path can include ~ pathing


An optional version number that is appended to your resource url.


Namespace: Westwind.Web.Controls
Assembly: westwind.web.webforms.dll

© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2016 • Updated: 12/12/15
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