
Parses the generated WSDL output .NET class into a FoxPro Proxy.

Called after the generated C# proxy has been compiled into a .NET assembly. Basically the code uses Reflection to go over the .NET class and then generates FoxPro code to call those methods of the service class.



This method has many dependencies and is called as part of the processing pipeline, but there's potential in the future to call this method to generate a class from a free standing assembly.

The following properties must be set before this method is called independently.

  • cDotNetAssembly
  • cOutputFile
  • nWsdlImporterMode
  • cGeneratedClass
  • cWsdlUrl
  • cNamespace (.NET namespace)
  • cClass (.NET classname)

See also:

Class DotNetWsdlGenerator

© West Wind Technologies, 2004-2020 • Updated: 11/26/12
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