.NET Web Service Proxy Base Classes

The West Wind Web Service Proxy Generator creates proxy classes that are based on a base implementation of the .NET SoapHttpClientProtocol class in .NET. The WSDL generator then adds an additional ProxyWrapper class into the class hiearchy to provide some additional HTTP functionality. The .NET WSDL import process then creates service specific subclasses that includes methods for each of hte service's endpoint methods exposed.

The following two base classes provide extra functionality to the Proxy:

and the features are available in the following format:

*** ProxyWrapper methods

*** SaopaHttpClientProtocol Members
loProxy.oService.Url = "http://newService.com/subpath/myService.svc"
loProxy.oService.EnableDecompression = .T.                && GZip support

© West Wind Technologies, 2004-2020 • Updated: 06/07/17
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