Class wwDbResourceProvider

The wwDbResourceProvider class is an ASP.NET Resource Provider implementation that retrieves its resources from a database. It works in conjunction with a wwDbResourceManager object and so uses standard .NET Resource mechanisms to retrieve its data. The provider should be fairly efficient and other than initial load time standard .NET resource caching is used to hold resource sets in memory.

The Resource Provider class provides the base interface for accessing resources. This provider interface handles loading resources, caching them (using standard Resource Manager functionality) and allowing access to resources via GetObject.

This provider supports global and local resources, explicit expressions as well as implicit expressions (IImplicitResourceProvider).

There's also a design time implementation to provide Generate LocalResources support from ASP.NET Web Form designer.


public class wwDbResourceProvider : object, IResourceProvider,

Class Members

Constructor Default constructor - only captures the parameter values
private sealed object System.Web.Compilation.IImplicitResourceProvider.GetObject( ImplicitResourceKey implicitKey,
CultureInfo culture );
private sealed object System.Web.Compilation.IResourceProvider.GetObject( string ResourceKey,
CultureInfo culture );
private sealed ICollection System.Web.Compilation.IImplicitResourceProvider.GetImplicitResourceKeys( string keyPrefix );
ResourceManager IResourceProvider interface - required to provide an instance to an ResourceManager object.
ResourceReader Required instance of the ResourceReader for this provider. Part of the IResourceProvider interface. The reader is responsible for feeding the Resource data from a ResourceSet. The interface basically walks an enumerable interface by ResourceId.


Namespace: Westwind.Globalization
Assembly: westwind.globalization.dll

  Last Updated: 7/31/2007 | © West Wind Technologies, 2008