Rick Strahl's Weblog
Rick Strahl's FoxPro and Web Connection Weblog
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Last 2 Posts

Making Web Connection Work with Response Output Greater than 16mb

21 days ago

Web Connection in the past has not supported > 16mb direct output via plain string based output, due to FoxPro's 16mb string limit. 16mb is a lot of text and while I generally don't recommend returning that much data as part of non-file request (which does support larger files) it's a feature request that comes up from time to time as people overrun the limit. During last weekend's SW Fox conference I heard about this issue again in a session and decided to address it once and for all and this posts describes the change and how it's implemented.


wwDotnetBridge Revisited: An updated look at FoxPro .NET Interop

29 days ago

In this very long white paper for the Southwest Fox conference, I discuss the basics of wwDotnetBridge and then demonstrate a variety of functionality with 10 examples. We'll see basic usage, how to wrap classes in FoxPro and .NET, how to use a variety of .NET 3rd party libraries, how to handle .NET events and how to make Task based async calls.