Web Monitor Site Info Form

The Web Monitor Site Info form allows editing all information about a specific Web Monitor site. Each site contains standard information about which URL to monitor how often to monitor it and what actions to take when a failure occurs.

Web Monitor Configuration Required:
Note before you configure an individual site make sure you configure Web Monior via the Web Monitor Configuration Form. This form contains default settings that are used when you create new sites. It also contains information that is required in order for the sites to work properly such as the mail server configuration and proxy address. If you haven't done so already run the Configuration Form.

The main form is subdivided in several tabs that allow editing of specific aspects of each site:

A Web Monitor site really more acurately monitors a single URL rather than a specific Web Site. You can configure multiple Web Monitor Sites to monitor multiple URLs on a single site or to monitor multiple Web Sites with various URLs.

© West Wind Technologies, 2018 • Updated: 08/13/15
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