Free support for the West Wind Toolkit for ASP.NET is available on our online message board. Support is provided both by our developers as well as by the developer community.
We want to hear from you with questions, comments, suggestions and how you are using this tool. We're here to help and learn more about how you are using these tools so we can improve them and make them easier, more efficient to use yet. Your input helps shape these tools!
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Before you post
If you have problems, please double check your code before posting to make sure you didn't overlook something obvious. When you post make sure you provide as much information as possible. Most importantly provide any error information that might be available - error message, and the call stack if relevant. If at all possible provide a short code sample or unit test that can be run independently to demonstrate the faulty behavior. All of this will ensure we can answer your question more efficiently and get you up and running as quickly as possible.
Additional Support
If you require additional personalized support, you can contact West Wind Technologies for paid support via Email or Phone. We also provide customized training, mentoring and development services. You can contact us for any of these services at:
Email: support@west-wind.com
Phone: (503) 914-6335
Fax: (815) 572-0619
West Wind Technologies
32 Kaiea Place
Paia, HI 96779
Please be aware that support other than on the message board is charged at regular consulting rates. For more info on services and rates please see our Contact page.
© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2016 • Updated: 12/19/15
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