All the code for the West Wind Web Toolkit is constantly updated and the latest version is always accessible at:
West Wind Toolkit Github Repository
Development and Master Branches
The latest development is usually done on the Development branch with Master receiving stable to semi-stable updates and full tagged releases.
If you want the latest under-construction code you can pull from Development. If you want the last stable version, pull the last tagged version from the Master branch or download a ZIP file.
Please be aware that code between tagged releases may be in flux, but it's a great way for you to receive fixes and updates to issues you might have reported that have been addressed between releases.
Report Issues or provide Pull Requests for Fixes
We appreciate your participation and encourage you to get involved in this project. Chances are if you're using the toolkit you find things to improve or tweak or fix.
If you find a problem and there's no easy fix, please consider opening an issue on Github and reporting the issue in detail. Please be as detailed as possible. If you think, the issue is more of a question than a bug please use our message board to post a message instead.
Even better - if you find an issue and you see an easy (or not so easy) fix you can issue a pull request. Fork the repository, make your changes and issue a pull request on Github. The more granular fixes are the the better, so try as much as possible to isolate any changes you make. If you can add a test for the changes all the better.
© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2016 • Updated: 12/19/15
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