This plug-in makes any DOM element editable as a textbox with a save button beneath it. A saveHandler can be specified that is fired when the Save button is clicked. You can press ESC while in the editable area to abort editing without firing the SaveHandler.
> The options parameter can be a map of any of these properties (default values are shown):<> var def = { editClass: null,
saveText: "Save",
editMode: "text", // html
saveHandler: null,
value: null
<>editClass<> The CSS class for the edited element. Optional. If not specified an Azure background is used.
<>saveText<> The text of the save button. "Save" by default. The Save button also assigns an implicit class="editableButton" to allow you to override styling of the button.
<>editMode<> Determines whether the text is read and written as plain text, or as HTML. HTML offers the ability for formatting that isn't stripped.
<>saveHandler<> Event handler when the Save button is clicked.
<>value<> The initial value that is to be edited. By default this will be the content (text or html) of the element edited but when value is specified it's overridden.
<>Named Parameter: cleanup<> This named parameter option cleans up an editbox and save button and redisplays the original content. This is equivalent to pressing the ESC key and aborting the edited content.
> <>$("#divMessage").editable(
saveText: "Update Comment",
editClass: "contenteditable", // css class for edited text
saveHandler: function(e) {
// this is content element edited
alert( $(this).html() ); // or use .text()
return true; // true to stop editing, false to keep editing
Class Members
See also:
Class contentEditable© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2016 • Updated: 12/19/15
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