Adds a property and value to the client side object to be rendered into JavaScript code. VariableName becomes a property on the object and the value will be properly converted into JavaScript Compatible JSON text.
public void Add(string variableName, object value)
The name of the property created on the client object.
The value that is to be assigned. Can be any simple type and most complex
objects that can be serialized into JSON.
<<codelang="C#">>ScriptVariables scriptVars = newScriptVariables(this,"serverVars");// Add simple valuesscriptVars.Add("name","Rick");scriptVars.Add("pageLoadTime",DateTime.Now);// Add objectsAmazonBook amazon = new AmazonBook();bookEntity book = amazon.New();scripVars.Add("book",book);<</code>>
See also:
Class ScriptVariables© West Wind Technologies, 1996-2016 • Updated: 12/12/15
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